▼Nin_place_attach_detach | |
►Ntraits | |
Cdisable_attached_for< llfio_v2_xxx::map_handle > | |
Cdisable_attached_for< llfio_v2_xxx::mapped_file_handle > | |
▼Nkvstore_v1_xxx | The kv store namespace |
►Ntraits | Traits |
Ndetail | |
Cis_trivially_attachable | True if a type is trivially attachable i.e. requires no extra work to attach |
Cis_attachable | True if a type is trivially attachable, or has defined an ADL discovered free function of the form span<byte> in_place_attach<T>(span<byte>) |
Cis_trivially_detachable | True if a type is trivially detachable i.e. requires no extra work to detach |
Cis_detachable | True if a type is trivially detachable, or has defined an ADL discovered free function of the form span<byte> in_place_detach<T>(span<byte>) |
Cbasic_key_value_store_info | Information about an available key value store implementation |
►Cbasic_key_value_store | A possibly hardware-implemented basic key-value store |
Ctransaction | |
▼Nllfio_v2_xxx | The LLFIO namespace |
►Nalgorithm | Collection of file system based algorithms |
Ndetail | |
►Nimpl | Does not exist in the actual source code, purely here to workaround doxygen limitations |
Ctrivial_vector_impl | |
Ctrivial_vector_iterator | |
Ctrivial_vector_impl< true, T > | |
►Nshared_fs_mutex | Algorithms for protecting a shared filing system resource from racy modification |
Ndetail | |
Catomic_append | Scalable many entity shared/exclusive file system based lock |
►Cshared_fs_mutex | Abstract base class for an object which protects shared filing system resources |
Centities_guard | RAII holder for a lock on a sequence of entities |
Centity_type | The type of an entity id |
Cbyte_ranges | Many entity shared/exclusive file system based lock |
Clock_files | Many entity exclusive compatibility file system based lock |
►Cmemory_map | Many entity memory mapped shared/exclusive file system based lock |
C_entity_idx | |
Csafe_byte_ranges | Safe many entity shared/exclusive file system based lock |
►Ccontents_visitor | A visitor for the filesystem contents algorithm |
C_state_type | |
Ccontents_type | Enumerated contents, and what parts of their stat_t is valid |
►Ccomparison_summary | |
C_lr | |
Ccompare_visitor | A visitor for the filesystem traversal and comparison algorithm |
Creduce_visitor | A visitor for the filesystem traversal and reduction algorithm |
Ctraversal_summary | A summary of a directory tree |
Csummarize_visitor | A visitor for the filesystem traversal and summary algorithm |
Ctraverse_visitor | A visitor for the filesystem traversal algorithm |
Ctrivial_vector | Provides a constant time capacity expanding move-only STL vector. Requires T to be trivially copyable |
Ccached_parent_handle_adapter | Adapts any construct() -able implementation to cache its parent directory handle in a process wide cache |
Ccombining_handle_adapter | A handle combining the data from one or two other handles |
Ndetail | |
►Nip | Inspired by ASIO's ip namespace |
Caddress | A version independent IP address |
Cresolver | Returned by resolve() as a handle to the asynchronous name resolution operation |
Caddress_v4 | A v4 IP address |
Caddress_v6 | Make an address_v6 . v6 addresses need to have the form [::]:port |
►Npath_discovery | Contains functions used to discover suitable paths for things |
Ndetail | |
Cdiscovered_path | A discovered path |
►Nstorage_profile | YAML databaseable empirical testing of a storage's behaviour |
Nconcurrency | |
Nlatency | |
Nresponse_time | |
Nstorage | |
Nsystem | |
Citem_base | Common base class for items |
Citem | A tag-value item in the storage profile where T is the type of value stored |
Citem_erased | A type erased tag-value item |
Cstorage_profile | A (possibly incomplet) profile of storage |
Nthis_thread | Thread local settings |
►Nutils | Utility routines often useful when using LLFIO |
Ndetail | |
Cprocess_memory_usage | Memory usage statistics for a process |
Cprocess_cpu_usage | CPU usage statistics for a process |
►Cpage_allocator | An STL allocator which allocates large TLB page memory |
Crebind | |
►Cpage_allocator< void > | |
Crebind | |
Nwin | |
Cbyte_io_handle | A handle to something capable of scatter-gather byte i/o |
Cpollable_handle | A handle type which can be supplied to poll() |
►Cbyte_io_multiplexer | A multiplexer of byte-orientated i/o |
C_registered_buffer_type | |
C_synchronised_io_operation_state | A synchronised i/o operation state |
►C_unsynchronised_io_operation_state | An unsynchronised i/o operation state |
►Cpayload_t | Variant storage |
►Cnoncompleted_t | Storage for non-completed i/o |
►Cparams_t | Variant storage for the possible kinds of non-completed i/o |
Cbarrier_params_t | Storage for a barrier i/o, the buffers to flush |
Cread_params_t | Storage for a read i/o, the buffers to fill |
Cwrite_params_t | Storage for a write i/o, the buffers to drain |
Cawaitable | A convenience coroutine awaitable type returned by .co_read() , .co_write() and .co_barrier() . Blocks execution if no i/o multiplexer has been set on this handle! |
Cbuffer_type | |
Ccheck_for_any_completed_io_statistics | Statistics about the just returned wait_for_completed_io() operation |
Cconst_buffer_type | |
►Cimplementation_information_t | The implementation information returned |
►Cmultiplexes_t | |
Ckernel_t | |
►Cio_operation_state | An interface to a state for an i/o operation scheduled against an i/o multiplexer |
Clock_guard | Used by the visitor to control the state lock |
Cio_operation_state_visitor | Called by an i/o operation state to inform you of state change. Note that the i/o operation state lock is HELD during these calls! |
Cio_request | The i/o request type used by this handle. Guaranteed to be TrivialType apart from construction, and StandardLayoutType |
Cio_result | The i/o result type used by this handle. Guaranteed to be TrivialType apart from construction |
Cbyte_socket_handle | A handle to a byte-orientated socket-like entity |
Cconstruct< byte_socket_handle > | Constructor for byte_socket_handle |
►Clistening_socket_handle_buffer_types_injector | Injects buffer types for a particular kind of listening socket read |
Cbuffers_type | The buffers type used by this handle for reads, which is a single item sequence of buffer_type |
Cio_request | The i/o request type used by this handle |
Clistening_byte_socket_handle | |
Cconstruct< listening_byte_socket_handle > | Constructor for listening_byte_socket_handle |
Cpath_hasher | |
Cdeadline | A time deadline in either relative-to-now or absolute (system clock) terms |
Cdirectory_entry | |
►Cdirectory_handle | A handle to a directory which can be enumerated |
Cbuffers_type | |
Cio_request | The i/o request type used by this handle |
Cconstruct< directory_handle > | Constructor for directory_handle |
►Cdynamic_thread_pool_group | Work group within the global dynamic thread pool |
►Cio_aware_work_item | A work item which paces when it next executes according to i/o congestion |
Cbyte_io_handle_awareness | Information about an i/o handle this work item will use |
Cwork_item | An individual item of work within the work group |
►Cfast_random_file_handle | A handle to synthesised, non-cryptographic, pseudo-random data |
Cprng | |
Cconstruct< fast_random_file_handle > | Constructor for fast_random_file_handle |
►Cfile_handle | A handle to a regular file or device |
Cextent_pair | A pair of valid extents |
Cconstruct< file_handle > | Constructor for file_handle |
Cfs_handle | A handle to something with a device and inode number |
Chandle | A native_handle_type which is managed by the lifetime of this object instance |
Cconstruct | Metaprogramming shim for constructing any handle subclass |
►Clockable_byte_io_handle | A handle to something capable of scatter-gather i/o and which can exclude other concurrent users. Models SharedMutex , though note that the locks are per-handle, not per-thread |
Cextent_guard | EXTENSION: RAII holder a locked extent of bytes in a file |
Cunique_file_lock | RAII locker matching std::unique_lock for lockable_byte_io_handle , but untemplated |
Clog_level_guard | RAII class for temporarily adjusting the log level for the current thread |
Csection_handle | A handle to a source of mapped memory |
Cconstruct< section_handle > | Constructor for section_handle |
►Cmap_handle | A handle to a memory mapped region of memory, either backed by the system page file or by a section |
Ccache_statistics | Statistics about the map handle cache |
Cconstruct< map_handle > | Constructor for map_handle |
Cmapped | Provides an owning, typed view of memory mapped from a section_handle or a file_handle suitable for feeding to STL algorithms or the Ranges TS |
Cmapped_file_handle | A memory mapped regular file or device |
Cconstruct< mapped_file_handle > | Constructor for mapped_file_handle |
Cread_receiver | A C++ Receiver of an i/o read for an i/o type of IoHandleType |
Cwrite_receiver | A C++ Receiver of an i/o write for an i/o type of IoHandleType |
Cexecutor | Some implementation of a C++ Executor |
Cawaitable_handle | An awaitable handle which attempts to execute the i/o immediately. If the i/o can complete immediately, no coroutine suspension occurs. Only if the i/o would take a while is coroutine suspension performed |
Cnative_handle_type | A native handle type used for wrapping file descriptors, process ids or HANDLEs. Unmanaged, wrap in a handle object to manage |
Cpath_handle | A handle to somewhere originally identified by a path on the filing system. Typically used as the lightest weight handle to some location on the filing system which may unpredictably relocate over time. This handle is thus an anchor to a subset island of the filing system, free of any race conditions introduced by third party changes to any part of the path leading to that island |
Cconstruct< path_handle > | Constructor for path_handle |
►Cpath_view_component | An iterated part of a path_view |
Crendered_path | |
Cpath_view | A borrowed view of a path. A lightweight trivial-type alternative to std::filesystem::path |
Cpipe_handle | A handle to a named or anonymous pipe |
Cconstruct< pipe_handle > | Constructor for pipe_handle |
►Cprocess_handle | A handle to this, or another, process |
C_byte_array_deleter | |
Cconstruct< process_handle > | Constructor for process_handle |
Cstat_t | Metadata about a directory entry |
►Cstatfs_t | Metadata about a filing system. Unsupported entries are all bits set |
Cf_flags_t | |
Cerror_info | The cause of the failure of an operation in LLFIO |
Cerror | The exception type synthesised and thrown when an llfio::result or llfio::outcome is no-value observed |
►Csymlink_handle | A handle to an inode which redirects to a different path |
Cbuffers_type | |
Cconst_buffers_type | |
Cio_request | The i/o request type used by this handle |
Cio_request< buffers_type, ____ > | Specialisation for reading symlinks |
Cio_request< const_buffers_type, ____ > | Specialisation for writing symlinks |
Cconstruct< symlink_handle > | Constructor for symlink_handle |
Ctls_socket_handle | A handle to a TLS secure socket-like entity |
Clistening_tls_socket_handle | A handle to a TLS socket-like entity able to receive incoming connections |
Ctls_socket_source | A source of tls_socket_handle and listening_tls_socket_handle and possibly a byte_io_multiplexer to multiplex i/o on multiple socket instances at the same time |
Ctls_socket_source_implementation_information | The implementation information returned |
Ctls_socket_source_registry | A process-wide registry of tls_socket_source |
Cconstruct< algorithm::cached_parent_handle_adapter< T > > | Constructor for algorithm::::cached_parent_handle_adapter<T> |