LLFIO  v2.00
llfio_v2_xxx Namespace Reference

The LLFIO namespace. More...


 Collection of file system based algorithms.
 Inspired by ASIO's ip namespace.
 Contains functions used to discover suitable paths for things.
 YAML databaseable empirical testing of a storage's behaviour.
 Thread local settings.
 Utility routines often useful when using LLFIO.


class  byte_io_handle
 A handle to something capable of scatter-gather byte i/o. More...
class  pollable_handle
 A handle type which can be supplied to poll(). More...
class  byte_io_multiplexer
 A multiplexer of byte-orientated i/o. More...
class  byte_socket_handle
 A handle to a byte-orientated socket-like entity. More...
struct  construct< byte_socket_handle >
 Constructor for byte_socket_handle More...
class  listening_socket_handle_buffer_types_injector
 Injects buffer types for a particular kind of listening socket read. More...
class  listening_byte_socket_handle
struct  construct< listening_byte_socket_handle >
 Constructor for listening_byte_socket_handle More...
struct  path_hasher
struct  deadline
 A time deadline in either relative-to-now or absolute (system clock) terms. More...
struct  directory_entry
class  directory_handle
 A handle to a directory which can be enumerated. More...
struct  construct< directory_handle >
 Constructor for directory_handle More...
class  dynamic_thread_pool_group
 Work group within the global dynamic thread pool. More...
class  fast_random_file_handle
 A handle to synthesised, non-cryptographic, pseudo-random data. More...
struct  construct< fast_random_file_handle >
 Constructor for fast_random_file_handle More...
class  file_handle
 A handle to a regular file or device. More...
struct  construct< file_handle >
 Constructor for file_handle More...
class  fs_handle
 A handle to something with a device and inode number. More...
class  handle
 A native_handle_type which is managed by the lifetime of this object instance. More...
struct  construct
 Metaprogramming shim for constructing any handle subclass. More...
class  lockable_byte_io_handle
 A handle to something capable of scatter-gather i/o and which can exclude other concurrent users. Models SharedMutex, though note that the locks are per-handle, not per-thread. More...
class  unique_file_lock
 RAII locker matching std::unique_lock for lockable_byte_io_handle, but untemplated. More...
class  log_level_guard
 RAII class for temporarily adjusting the log level for the current thread. More...
class  section_handle
 A handle to a source of mapped memory. More...
struct  construct< section_handle >
 Constructor for section_handle More...
class  map_handle
 A handle to a memory mapped region of memory, either backed by the system page file or by a section. More...
struct  construct< map_handle >
 Constructor for map_handle More...
class  mapped
 Provides an owning, typed view of memory mapped from a section_handle or a file_handle suitable for feeding to STL algorithms or the Ranges TS. More...
class  mapped_file_handle
 A memory mapped regular file or device. More...
struct  construct< mapped_file_handle >
 Constructor for mapped_file_handle More...
class  read_receiver
 A C++ Receiver of an i/o read for an i/o type of IoHandleType. More...
class  write_receiver
 A C++ Receiver of an i/o write for an i/o type of IoHandleType. More...
class  executor
 Some implementation of a C++ Executor. More...
class  awaitable_handle
 An awaitable handle which attempts to execute the i/o immediately. If the i/o can complete immediately, no coroutine suspension occurs. Only if the i/o would take a while is coroutine suspension performed. More...
struct  native_handle_type
 A native handle type used for wrapping file descriptors, process ids or HANDLEs. Unmanaged, wrap in a handle object to manage. More...
class  path_handle
 A handle to somewhere originally identified by a path on the filing system. Typically used as the lightest weight handle to some location on the filing system which may unpredictably relocate over time. This handle is thus an anchor to a subset island of the filing system, free of any race conditions introduced by third party changes to any part of the path leading to that island. More...
struct  construct< path_handle >
 Constructor for path_handle More...
class  path_view_component
 An iterated part of a path_view. More...
class  path_view
 A borrowed view of a path. A lightweight trivial-type alternative to std::filesystem::path. More...
class  pipe_handle
 A handle to a named or anonymous pipe. More...
struct  construct< pipe_handle >
 Constructor for pipe_handle More...
class  process_handle
 A handle to this, or another, process. More...
struct  construct< process_handle >
 Constructor for process_handle More...
struct  stat_t
 Metadata about a directory entry. More...
struct  statfs_t
 Metadata about a filing system. Unsupported entries are all bits set. More...
struct  error_info
 The cause of the failure of an operation in LLFIO. More...
class  error
 The exception type synthesised and thrown when an llfio::result or llfio::outcome is no-value observed. More...
class  symlink_handle
 A handle to an inode which redirects to a different path. More...
struct  construct< symlink_handle >
 Constructor for symlink_handle More...
class  tls_socket_handle
 A handle to a TLS secure socket-like entity. More...
class  listening_tls_socket_handle
 A handle to a TLS socket-like entity able to receive incoming connections. More...
class  tls_socket_source
 A source of tls_socket_handle and listening_tls_socket_handle and possibly a byte_io_multiplexer to multiplex i/o on multiple socket instances at the same time. More...
struct  tls_socket_source_implementation_information
 The implementation information returned. More...
class  tls_socket_source_registry
 A process-wide registry of tls_socket_source. More...
struct  construct< algorithm::cached_parent_handle_adapter< T > >
 Constructor for algorithm::::cached_parent_handle_adapter<T> More...


using byte_io_multiplexer_ptr = std::unique_ptr< byte_io_multiplexer >
 A unique ptr to an i/o multiplexer implementation.
template<class F , size_t callable_storage_bytes = 32 - sizeof(uintptr_t)>
using function_ptr = QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE::function_ptr::function_ptr< F, callable_storage_bytes >
using spinlock = QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE::configurable_spinlock::spinlock< uintptr_t >
using dynamic_thread_pool_group_ptr = std::unique_ptr< dynamic_thread_pool_group >
 A unique ptr to a work group within the global dynamic thread pool.
using log_level = QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE::ringbuffer_log::level
 Enum for the log level.
using log_implementation_type = QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE::ringbuffer_log::simple_ringbuffer_log< LLFIO_LOGGING_MEMORY, detail::thread_local_log_level_filter >
 Type of the logger.
template<class T >
using result = OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::result< T, error_info >
template<class T >
using outcome = OUTCOME_V2_NAMESPACE::outcome< T, error_info >
using tls_socket_handle_ptr = std::unique_ptr< tls_socket_handle, detail::tls_socket_handle_deleter >
 A pointer to a TLS socket handle returned by a TLS socket source.
using listening_tls_socket_handle_ptr = std::unique_ptr< listening_tls_socket_handle, detail::listening_tls_socket_handle_deleter >
 A pointer to a listening TLS socket handle returned by a TLS socket source.
using tls_socket_source_ptr = std::unique_ptr< tls_socket_source, detail::tls_socket_source_deleter >
 A pointer to a TLS socket source.


enum class  io_operation_state_type {
  unknown , read_initialised , read_initiated , read_completed ,
  read_finished , write_initialised , write_initiated , barrier_initialised ,
  barrier_initiated , write_or_barrier_completed , write_or_barrier_finished
 The possible states of the i/o operation.
enum class  win32_path_namespace { any , device , dos , guid_volume }
 The kinds of win32 path namespace possible. More...
enum class  lock_kind { unlocked , shared , exclusive }
 The kinds of concurrent user exclusion which can be performed. More...
enum  bitfield__tls_algorithm : unsigned { default_ = (0U) , FIPS_140_2 = (1U << 0U) }
 TLS algorithm categories. More...


 QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_BEGIN_T (poll_what, uint8_t)
 What to poll. More...
result< size_t > poll (span< poll_what > out, span< pollable_handle * > handles, span< const poll_what > query, deadline d={}) noexcept
 Polls a list of pollable handles awaiting a change in state. More...
byte_io_handle::io_result< byte_io_handle::buffers_type > read (byte_io_handle &self, byte_io_handle::io_request< byte_io_handle::buffers_type > reqs, deadline d=deadline()) noexcept
 Read data from the open handle. More...
byte_io_handle::io_result< byte_io_handle::const_buffers_type > write (byte_io_handle &self, byte_io_handle::io_request< byte_io_handle::const_buffers_type > reqs, deadline d=deadline()) noexcept
 Write data to the open handle. More...
byte_io_handle::io_result< byte_io_handle::size_type > write (byte_io_handle &self, byte_io_handle::extent_type offset, std::initializer_list< byte_io_handle::const_buffer_type > lst, deadline d=deadline()) noexcept
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
constexpr bool is_initialised (io_operation_state_type s) noexcept
 True if the i/o operation state is initialised.
constexpr bool is_initiated (io_operation_state_type s) noexcept
 True if the i/o operation state is initiated.
constexpr bool is_completed (io_operation_state_type s) noexcept
 True if the i/o operation state is completed.
constexpr bool is_finished (io_operation_state_type s) noexcept
 True if the i/o operation state is finished.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const directory_handle::filter &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const directory_handle::buffers_type &)
void swap (directory_handle &self, directory_handle &o) noexcept
 Swap with another instance.
result< directory_handledirectory (const path_handle &base, directory_handle::path_view_type path, directory_handle::mode _mode=directory_handle::mode::read, directory_handle::creation _creation=directory_handle::creation::open_existing, directory_handle::caching _caching=directory_handle::caching::all, directory_handle::flag flags=directory_handle::flag::none) noexcept
result< directory_handleuniquely_named_directory (const path_handle &dirpath, directory_handle::mode _mode=directory_handle::mode::write, directory_handle::caching _caching=directory_handle::caching::temporary, directory_handle::flag flags=directory_handle::flag::none) noexcept
result< directory_handletemp_directory (directory_handle::path_view_type name=directory_handle::path_view_type(), directory_handle::mode _mode=directory_handle::mode::write, directory_handle::creation _creation=directory_handle::creation::if_needed, directory_handle::caching _caching=directory_handle::caching::all, directory_handle::flag flags=directory_handle::flag::none) noexcept
result< dynamic_thread_pool_group_ptrmake_dynamic_thread_pool_group () noexcept
 Creates a new work group within the global dynamic thread pool.
void swap (file_handle &self, file_handle &o) noexcept
 Swap with another instance.
result< file_handlefile (const path_handle &base, file_handle::path_view_type path, file_handle::mode _mode=file_handle::mode::read, file_handle::creation _creation=file_handle::creation::open_existing, file_handle::caching _caching=file_handle::caching::all, file_handle::flag flags=file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
result< file_handleuniquely_named_file (const path_handle &dirpath, file_handle::mode _mode=file_handle::mode::write, file_handle::caching _caching=file_handle::caching::temporary, file_handle::flag flags=file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
result< file_handletemp_file (file_handle::path_view_type name=file_handle::path_view_type(), file_handle::mode _mode=file_handle::mode::write, file_handle::creation _creation=file_handle::creation::if_needed, file_handle::caching _caching=file_handle::caching::temporary, file_handle::flag flags=file_handle::flag::unlink_on_first_close) noexcept
result< file_handletemp_inode (const path_handle &dirh=path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(), file_handle::mode _mode=file_handle::mode::write, file_handle::caching _caching=file_handle::caching::temporary, file_handle::flag flags=file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
file_handle::io_result< file_handle::size_type > read (file_handle &self, file_handle::extent_type offset, std::initializer_list< file_handle::buffer_type > lst, deadline d=deadline()) noexcept
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
result< file_handle::extent_type > maximum_extent (const file_handle &self) noexcept
result< file_handle::extent_type > truncate (file_handle &self, file_handle::extent_type newsize) noexcept
result< std::vector< file_handle::extent_pair > > extents (const file_handle &self) noexcept
 Returns a list of currently valid extents for this open file. WARNING: racy!
result< file_handle::extent_type > zero (file_handle &self, file_handle::extent_type offset, file_handle::extent_type bytes, deadline d=deadline()) noexcept
 Efficiently zero, and possibly deallocate, data on storage. More...
result< filesystem::path > to_win32_path (const fs_handle &h, win32_path_namespace mapping=win32_path_namespace::any) noexcept
 Maps the current path of h into a form suitable for Win32 APIs. Passes through unmodified on POSIX, so you can use this in portable code. More...
template<class T , typename std::enable_if<(!std::is_base_of< fs_handle, T >::value &&std::is_base_of< handle, T >::value), bool >::type = true>
result< filesystem::path > to_win32_path (const T &h, win32_path_namespace mapping=win32_path_namespace::any) noexcept
result< void > relink (fs_handle &self, const path_handle &base, fs_handle::path_view_type path, bool atomic_replace=true, deadline d=std::chrono::seconds(30)) noexcept
result< void > unlink (fs_handle &self, deadline d=std::chrono::seconds(30)) noexcept
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const handle &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const handle::mode &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const handle::creation &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const handle::caching &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const handle::flag &v)
void swap (handle &self, handle &o) noexcept
 Swap with another instance.
result< void > close (handle &self) noexcept
 Immediately close the native handle type managed by this handle.
log_implementation_typelog () noexcept
 The log used by LLFIO.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const section_handle::flag &v)
byte_io_handle::const_buffer_type nvram_barrier (byte_io_handle::const_buffer_type req, bool evict=false) noexcept
template<class T >
constexpr span< T > in_place_attach (map_handle &mh) noexcept
 Declare map_handle as a suitable source for P1631 attached<T>.
void swap (section_handle &self, section_handle &o) noexcept
 Swap with another instance.
result< section_handlesection (file_handle &backing, section_handle::extent_type maximum_size, section_handle::flag _flag) noexcept
 Create a memory section backed by a file. More...
result< section_handlesection (file_handle &backing, section_handle::extent_type bytes=0) noexcept
 Create a memory section backed by a file. More...
result< section_handlesection (section_handle::extent_type bytes, const path_handle &dirh=path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(), section_handle::flag _flag=section_handle::flag::read|section_handle::flag::write) noexcept
 Create a memory section backed by an anonymous, managed file. More...
result< section_handle::extent_type > length (const section_handle &self) noexcept
 Return the current maximum permitted extent of the memory section.
result< section_handle::extent_type > truncate (section_handle &self, section_handle::extent_type newsize=0) noexcept
void swap (map_handle &self, map_handle &o) noexcept
 Swap with another instance.
result< void > close (map_handle &self) noexcept
 Unmap the mapped view.
result< map_handlemap (map_handle::size_type bytes, bool zeroed=false, section_handle::flag _flag=section_handle::flag::readwrite) noexcept
result< map_handlemap (section_handle &section, map_handle::size_type bytes=0, map_handle::extent_type offset=0, section_handle::flag _flag=section_handle::flag::readwrite) noexcept
map_handle::size_type length (const map_handle &self) noexcept
 The size of the memory map. This is the accessible size, NOT the reservation size.
result< map_handle::size_type > truncate (map_handle &self, map_handle::size_type newsize, bool permit_relocation=false) noexcept
map_handle::io_result< map_handle::buffers_type > read (map_handle &self, map_handle::io_request< map_handle::buffers_type > reqs, deadline d=deadline()) noexcept
 Read data from the mapped view. More...
map_handle::io_result< map_handle::const_buffers_type > write (map_handle &self, map_handle::io_request< map_handle::const_buffers_type > reqs, deadline d=deadline()) noexcept
 Write data to the mapped view. More...
template<class T >
constexpr span< T > in_place_attach (mapped_file_handle &mfh) noexcept
 Declare mapped_file_handle as a suitable source for P1631 attached<T>.
void swap (mapped_file_handle &self, mapped_file_handle &o) noexcept
 Swap with another instance.
result< mapped_file_handlemapped_file (mapped_file_handle::size_type reservation, const path_handle &base, mapped_file_handle::path_view_type _path, mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::read, mapped_file_handle::creation _creation=mapped_file_handle::creation::open_existing, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::all, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
result< mapped_file_handlemapped_file (const path_handle &base, mapped_file_handle::path_view_type _path, mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::read, mapped_file_handle::creation _creation=mapped_file_handle::creation::open_existing, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::all, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
result< mapped_file_handlemapped_uniquely_named_file (mapped_file_handle::size_type reservation, const path_handle &dirpath, mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::write, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
result< mapped_file_handlemapped_temp_file (mapped_file_handle::size_type reservation, mapped_file_handle::path_view_type name=mapped_file_handle::path_view_type(), mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::write, mapped_file_handle::creation _creation=mapped_file_handle::creation::if_needed, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::unlink_on_first_close) noexcept
result< mapped_file_handlemapped_temp_inode (mapped_file_handle::size_type reservation=0, const path_handle &dir=path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(), mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::write, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
result< path_handlepath (const path_handle &base, path_handle::path_view_type path) noexcept
result< path_handlepath (path_handle::path_view_type _path) noexcept
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
constexpr bool operator== (path_view_component x, path_view_component y) noexcept
 Compares identity equality not equivalence i.e. backing storage type must be identical, and backing bytes must be identical. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool operator!= (path_view_component x, path_view_component y) noexcept
 Compares identity inequality not disequivalence i.e. backing storage type must be different, or backing bytes must be different. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool operator< (path_view_component x, path_view_component y) noexcept
 Compares identity for ordering i.e. backing storage type must be different, or backing bytes must be different. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr size_t hash_value (path_view_component view) noexcept
 Hashes a path_view_component.
template<class F >
constexpr auto visit (path_view_component view, F &&f)
 Visit the underlying source for a path_view_component (LLFIO backwards compatible overload)
template<class F >
constexpr auto visit (F &&f, path_view_component view)
 Visit the underlying source for a path_view_component (std compatible overload)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const path_view_component &v)
constexpr bool operator== (path_view x, path_view y) noexcept
 Compares individual path view components for identity not equivalence. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool operator!= (path_view x, path_view y) noexcept
 Compares individual path view components for non-**identity** not disequivalence. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool operator< (path_view x, path_view y) noexcept
 Compares individual path view components for ordering. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr size_t hash_value (path_view x) noexcept
 Return the combined hash of individual path components.
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool operator== (path_view_component, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool operator== (const CharT *, path_view_component) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool operator!= (path_view_component, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool operator!= (const CharT *, path_view_component) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool operator== (path_view, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool operator== (const CharT *, path_view) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool operator!= (path_view, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool operator!= (const CharT *, path_view) noexcept
filesystem::path & operator+= (filesystem::path &a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path.
filesystem::path & operator/= (filesystem::path &a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path.
filesystem::path operator/ (const filesystem::path &a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path.
filesystem::path operator/ (filesystem::path &&a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path.
template<class T , typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, path_view_component >::value||std::is_same< T, path_view >::value), bool >::type = true>
filesystem::path operator/ (T a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path view component.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const process_handle::flag &v)
std::error_code make_error_code (error_info ei)
bool operator== (const error_info &a, const error_info &b)
bool operator!= (const error_info &a, const error_info &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const error_info &v)
void outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload (const error_info &ei)
error_info error_from_exception (std::exception_ptr &&ep=std::current_exception(), std::error_code not_matched=std::make_error_code(std::errc::resource_unavailable_try_again)) noexcept
error_info generic_error (errc c)
 Helper for constructing an error info from an errc.
error_info posix_error (int c=errno)
 Helper for constructing an error info from a POSIX errno.
 QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_BEGIN_T (tls_socket_source_implementation_features, uint32_t)
 Feature bits for TLS socket sources. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const tls_socket_source_implementation_information &v)

Detailed Description

The LLFIO namespace.

TODO FIXME Replace in-memory log with memory map file backed log.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ bitfield__tls_algorithm

TLS algorithm categories.


The default set of TLS algorithms offered during handshake is a short list of strong ciphers (typically 128 - 256 bits for the symmetric cipher) to suit embedded and low end devices, ordered by strength-cpuload e.g. ChaCha20 would be chosen preferentially to AES, if the CPUs do not have hardware accelerated AES, and longer key sizes would come before shorter key sizes.


The set of TLS algorithms compliant with the FIPS 140-2 standard. Implementations may refuse to work if this is configured.

44 { //
45  /*! The default set of TLS algorithms offered during handshake is a short list
46  of strong ciphers (typically 128 - 256 bits for the symmetric cipher)
47  to suit embedded and low end devices, ordered by strength-cpuload e.g. ChaCha20
48  would be chosen preferentially to AES, **if** the CPUs do not have hardware
49  accelerated AES, and longer key sizes would come before shorter key sizes.
50  */
51  default_ = (0U),
52  /*! The set of TLS algorithms compliant with the FIPS 140-2 standard.
53  Implementations may refuse to work if this is configured.
54  */
55  FIPS_140_2 = (1U << 0U)
57 } QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_END(tls_algorithm)
@ default_
Definition: tls_socket_handle.hpp:51
@ FIPS_140_2
Definition: tls_socket_handle.hpp:55

◆ lock_kind

The kinds of concurrent user exclusion which can be performed.


Exclude none.


Exclude only those requesting an exclusive lock on the same inode.


Exclude those requesting any kind of lock on the same inode.

43 {
44  unlocked, //!< Exclude none.
45  shared, //!< Exclude only those requesting an exclusive lock on the same inode.
46  exclusive //!< Exclude those requesting any kind of lock on the same inode.
47 };
@ shared
Exclude only those requesting an exclusive lock on the same inode.
@ exclusive
Exclude those requesting any kind of lock on the same inode.
@ unlocked
Exclude none.

◆ win32_path_namespace

The kinds of win32 path namespace possible.


Map the input path to a valid win32 path as fast as possible for the input. This is currently guid_volume followed by dos, but may change in the future.


Map \!!\Device\... form input paths to \\.\... for which it is usually the case there is a mapping, which results in a valid Win32 path, but which legacy code bases may not accept. This efficiently covers the vast majority of what can be returned by handle::current_path() on Windows, but if the input path cannot be mapped, a failure is returned.


Map the input path to a DOS drive letter prefix, possibly with \\?\ prefix to opt out of strict DOS path parsing if the mapped DOS path is incompatible with traditional DOS (e.g. it contains one of the forbidden character sequences such as CON, or it exceeds 260 codepoints, and so on). Well written software will correctly handle \\?\ prefixes, but if the code you are handing the path to is particularly legacy, you ought to ensure that the prefix is not present.

There is not a one-one mapping between NT kernel paths (which is what LLFIO returns from handle::current_path()) and DOS style paths, so what you get may be surprising. It is also possible that there is no mapping at all, in which case a failure is returned.

Map the input path replacing the volume as a GUID, such that say an input path of C:\foo\bar might be mapped to \\?\Volume{9f9bd10e-9003-4da5-b146-70584e30854a}\foo\bar. This is a valid Win32 path, but legacy code bases may not accept it. This eliminates problems with drive letters vanishing or being ambiguous, and unlike with dos, there is a guaranteed one-one mapping between NT kernel paths and guid_volume paths. The mapped path is NOT checked for equivalence to the input file.

46 {
47  /*! Map the input path to a valid win32 path as fast as possible for the input.
48  This is currently `guid_volume` followed by `dos`, but may change in the future.
49  */
50  any,
51  /*! Map `\!!\Device\...` form input paths to `\\.\...` for which it is _usually_
52  the case there is a mapping, which results in a valid Win32 path, but which
53  legacy code bases may not accept. This efficiently covers the vast majority of
54  what can be returned by `handle::current_path()` on Windows, but if the input
55  path cannot be mapped, a failure is returned.
56  */
57  device,
58  /*! Map the input path to a DOS drive letter prefix, possibly with `\\?\` prefix
59  to opt out of strict DOS path parsing if the mapped DOS path is incompatible with
60  traditional DOS (e.g. it contains one of the forbidden character sequences such
61  as `CON`, or it exceeds 260 codepoints, and so on). Well written software will
62  correctly handle `\\?\` prefixes, but if the code you are handing the path to is
63  particularly legacy, you ought to ensure that the prefix is not present.
65  \warning There is not a one-one mapping between NT kernel paths (which is what
66  LLFIO returns from `handle::current_path()`) and DOS style paths, so what you get
67  may be surprising. It is also possible that there is no mapping at all, in which
68  case a failure is returned.
69  */
70  dos,
71  /*! Map the input path replacing the volume as a GUID, such that say an input path
72  of `C:\foo\bar` might be mapped to `\\?\Volume{9f9bd10e-9003-4da5-b146-70584e30854a}\foo\bar`.
73  This is a valid Win32 path, but legacy code bases may not accept it. This eliminates
74  problems with drive letters vanishing or being ambiguous, and unlike with `dos`,
75  there is a guaranteed one-one mapping between NT kernel paths and `guid_volume` paths.
76  The mapped path is NOT checked for equivalence to the input file.
77  */
79 #if 0
80  /*! Map the input path replacing the the whole path as a GUID, such that say an input
81  path of `C:\foo\bar` might be mapped to `\\?\Volume{9f9bd10e-9003-4da5-b146-70584e30854a}\{5a13b46c-44b9-40f3-9303-23cf7d918708}`.
82  This is a valid Win32 path, but legacy code bases may not accept it. This eliminates
83  problems with long paths or if the file could be renamed concurrently. Note this may
84  cause the creation of a GUID for the file on some filesystems (NTFS). The mapped path
85  is NOT checked for equivalence to the input file.
86  */
87  guid_all
89 /*
90 - `win32_path_namespace::guid_all` does the same as `guid_volume`, but additionally
91 asks Windows for the GUID for the file upon the volume, creating one if one
92 doesn't exist if necessary. The path returned consists of two GUIDs, and is a
93 perfectly valid Win32 path which most Win32 APIs will accept.
94 */
95 #endif
96 };
@ any
Either v4 or v6.

Function Documentation

◆ directory()

result<directory_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::directory ( const path_handle base,
directory_handle::path_view_type  path,
directory_handle::mode  _mode = directory_handle::mode::read,
directory_handle::creation  _creation = directory_handle::creation::open_existing,
directory_handle::caching  _caching = directory_handle::caching::all,
directory_handle::flag  flags = directory_handle::flag::none 

Create a handle opening access to a directory on path.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
440 {
441  return directory_handle::directory(std::forward<decltype(base)>(base), std::forward<decltype(path)>(path), std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode),
442  std::forward<decltype(_creation)>(_creation), std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching),
443  std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
444 }
result< directory_handle > directory(const path_handle &base, directory_handle::path_view_type path, directory_handle::mode _mode=directory_handle::mode::read, directory_handle::creation _creation=directory_handle::creation::open_existing, directory_handle::caching _caching=directory_handle::caching::all, directory_handle::flag flags=directory_handle::flag::none) noexcept
Definition: directory_handle.hpp:435
result< path_handle > path(const path_handle &base, path_handle::path_view_type path) noexcept
Definition: path_handle.hpp:171

◆ file()

result<file_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::file ( const path_handle base,
file_handle::path_view_type  path,
file_handle::mode  _mode = file_handle::mode::read,
file_handle::creation  _creation = file_handle::creation::open_existing,
file_handle::caching  _caching = file_handle::caching::all,
file_handle::flag  flags = file_handle::flag::none 

Create a file handle opening access to a file on path

baseHandle to a base location on the filing system. Pass {} to indicate that path will be absolute.
pathThe path relative to base to open.
_modeHow to open the file.
_creationHow to create the file.
_cachingHow to ask the kernel to cache the file.
flagsAny additional custom behaviours.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
437 {
438  return file_handle::file(std::forward<decltype(base)>(base), std::forward<decltype(path)>(path), std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode),
439  std::forward<decltype(_creation)>(_creation), std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching), std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
440 }
result< file_handle > file(const path_handle &base, file_handle::path_view_type path, file_handle::mode _mode=file_handle::mode::read, file_handle::creation _creation=file_handle::creation::open_existing, file_handle::caching _caching=file_handle::caching::all, file_handle::flag flags=file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
Definition: file_handle.hpp:434

◆ map() [1/2]

result<map_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::map ( map_handle::size_type  bytes,
bool  zeroed = false,
section_handle::flag  _flag = section_handle::flag::readwrite 

Create new memory and map it into view.

bytesHow many bytes to create and map. Typically will be rounded up to a multiple of the page size (see page_size()) on POSIX, 64Kb on Windows.
zeroedSet to true if only all bits zeroed memory is wanted.
_flagThe permissions with which to map the view. flag::none can be useful for reserving virtual address space without committing system resources, use commit() to later change availability of memory.
On Microsoft Windows this constructor uses the faster VirtualAlloc() which creates less versatile page backed memory. If you want anonymous memory allocated from a paging file backed section instead, create a page file backed section and then a mapped view from that using the other constructor. This makes available all those very useful VM tricks Windows can do with section mapped memory which VirtualAlloc() memory cannot do.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX mmap() or VirtualAlloc() can return.
1110 {
1111  return map_handle::map(std::forward<decltype(bytes)>(bytes), zeroed, std::forward<decltype(_flag)>(_flag));
1112 }
result< map_handle > map(section_handle &section, map_handle::size_type bytes=0, map_handle::extent_type offset=0, section_handle::flag _flag=section_handle::flag::readwrite) noexcept
Definition: map_handle.hpp:1123

◆ map() [2/2]

result<map_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::map ( section_handle section,
map_handle::size_type  bytes = 0,
map_handle::extent_type  offset = 0,
section_handle::flag  _flag = section_handle::flag::readwrite 

Create a memory mapped view of a backing storage, optionally reserving additional address space for later growth.

sectionA memory section handle specifying the backing storage to use.
bytesHow many bytes to reserve (0 = the size of the section). Rounded up to nearest 64Kb on Windows.
offsetThe offset into the backing storage to map from
_flagThe permissions with which to map the view which are constrained by the permissions of the memory section. flag::none can be useful for reserving virtual address space without committing system resources, use commit() to later change availability of memory.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX mmap() or NtMapViewOfSection() can return.
1125 {
1126  return map_handle::map(std::forward<decltype(section)>(section), std::forward<decltype(bytes)>(bytes), std::forward<decltype(offset)>(offset),
1127  std::forward<decltype(_flag)>(_flag));
1128 }
result< section_handle > section(section_handle::extent_type bytes, const path_handle &dirh=path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(), section_handle::flag _flag=section_handle::flag::read|section_handle::flag::write) noexcept
Create a memory section backed by an anonymous, managed file.
Definition: map_handle.hpp:1065

◆ mapped_file()

result<mapped_file_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::mapped_file ( mapped_file_handle::size_type  reservation,
const path_handle base,
mapped_file_handle::path_view_type  _path,
mapped_file_handle::mode  _mode = mapped_file_handle::mode::read,
mapped_file_handle::creation  _creation = mapped_file_handle::creation::open_existing,
mapped_file_handle::caching  _caching = mapped_file_handle::caching::all,
mapped_file_handle::flag  flags = mapped_file_handle::flag::none 

Create a memory mapped file handle opening access to a file on path.

reservationThe number of bytes to reserve for later expansion when mapping. Zero means reserve only the current file length.
baseHandle to a base location on the filing system. Pass {} to indicate that path will be absolute.
_pathThe path relative to base to open.
_modeHow to open the file.
_creationHow to create the file.
_cachingHow to ask the kernel to cache the file.
flagsAny additional custom behaviours.

Note that if the file is currently zero sized, no mapping occurs now, but later when truncate() or update_map() is called.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values which the constructors for file_handle, section_handle and map_handle can return.
822 {
823  return mapped_file_handle::mapped_file(std::forward<decltype(reservation)>(reservation), std::forward<decltype(base)>(base),
824  std::forward<decltype(_path)>(_path), std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode),
825  std::forward<decltype(_creation)>(_creation), std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching),
826  std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
827 }
result< mapped_file_handle > mapped_file(const path_handle &base, mapped_file_handle::path_view_type _path, mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::read, mapped_file_handle::creation _creation=mapped_file_handle::creation::open_existing, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::all, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: mapped_file_handle.hpp:829

◆ mapped_temp_file()

result<mapped_file_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::mapped_temp_file ( mapped_file_handle::size_type  reservation,
mapped_file_handle::path_view_type  name = mapped_file_handle::path_view_type(),
mapped_file_handle::mode  _mode = mapped_file_handle::mode::write,
mapped_file_handle::creation  _creation = mapped_file_handle::creation::if_needed,
mapped_file_handle::caching  _caching = mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary,
mapped_file_handle::flag  flags = mapped_file_handle::flag::unlink_on_first_close 

Create a mapped file handle creating the named file on some path which the OS declares to be suitable for temporary files. Most OSs are very lazy about flushing changes made to these temporary files. Note the default flags are to have the newly created file deleted on first handle close. Note also that an empty name is equivalent to calling mapped_uniquely_named_file(path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory()) and the creation parameter is ignored.

If the temporary file you are creating is not going to have its path sent to another process for usage, this is the WRONG function to use. Use temp_inode() instead, it is far more secure.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
877 {
878  return mapped_file_handle::mapped_temp_file(std::forward<decltype(reservation)>(reservation), std::forward<decltype(name)>(name),
879  std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode), std::forward<decltype(_creation)>(_creation),
880  std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching), std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
881 }
result< mapped_file_handle > mapped_temp_file(mapped_file_handle::size_type reservation, mapped_file_handle::path_view_type name=mapped_file_handle::path_view_type(), mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::write, mapped_file_handle::creation _creation=mapped_file_handle::creation::if_needed, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::unlink_on_first_close) noexcept
Definition: mapped_file_handle.hpp:871

◆ mapped_temp_inode()

result<mapped_file_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::mapped_temp_inode ( mapped_file_handle::size_type  reservation = 0,
const path_handle dir = path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(),
mapped_file_handle::mode  _mode = mapped_file_handle::mode::write,
mapped_file_handle::caching  _caching = mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary,
mapped_file_handle::flag  flags = mapped_file_handle::flag::none 

Securely create a mapped file handle creating a temporary anonymous inode in the filesystem referred to by dirpath. The inode created has no name nor accessible path on the filing system and ceases to exist as soon as the last handle is closed, making it ideal for use as a temporary file where other processes do not need to have access to its contents via some path on the filing system (a classic use case is for backing shared memory maps).

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
897 {
898  return mapped_file_handle::mapped_temp_inode(std::forward<decltype(reservation)>(reservation), std::forward<decltype(dir)>(dir),
899  std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode), std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching),
900  std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
901 }
result< mapped_file_handle > mapped_temp_inode(mapped_file_handle::size_type reservation=0, const path_handle &dir=path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(), mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::write, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
Definition: mapped_file_handle.hpp:892

◆ mapped_uniquely_named_file()

result<mapped_file_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::mapped_uniquely_named_file ( mapped_file_handle::size_type  reservation,
const path_handle dirpath,
mapped_file_handle::mode  _mode = mapped_file_handle::mode::write,
mapped_file_handle::caching  _caching = mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary,
mapped_file_handle::flag  flags = mapped_file_handle::flag::none 

Create an mapped file handle creating a randomly named file on a path. The file is opened exclusively with creation::only_if_not_exist so it will never collide with nor overwrite any existing file. Note also that caching defaults to temporary which hints to the OS to only flush changes to physical storage as lately as possible.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
851 {
852  return mapped_file_handle::mapped_uniquely_named_file(std::forward<decltype(reservation)>(reservation), std::forward<decltype(dirpath)>(dirpath),
853  std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode), std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching),
854  std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
855 }
result< mapped_file_handle > mapped_uniquely_named_file(mapped_file_handle::size_type reservation, const path_handle &dirpath, mapped_file_handle::mode _mode=mapped_file_handle::mode::write, mapped_file_handle::caching _caching=mapped_file_handle::caching::temporary, mapped_file_handle::flag flags=mapped_file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
Definition: mapped_file_handle.hpp:847

◆ maximum_extent()

result<file_handle::extent_type> llfio_v2_xxx::maximum_extent ( const file_handle self)

Return the current maximum permitted extent of the file.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX fstat() or GetFileInformationByHandleEx() can return.
507 {
508  return self.maximum_extent();
509 }

◆ nvram_barrier()

byte_io_handle::const_buffer_type llfio_v2_xxx::nvram_barrier ( byte_io_handle::const_buffer_type  req,
bool  evict = false 

Lightweight inlined barrier which causes the CPU to write out all buffered writes and dirty cache lines in the request to main memory.

The cache lines actually barriered. This may be empty. This function does not return an error.
reqThe range of cache lines to write barrier.
evictWhether to also evict the cache lines from CPU caches, useful if they will not be used again.

Upon return, one knows that memory in the returned buffer has been barriered (it may be empty if there is no support for this operation in LLFIO, or if the current CPU does not support this operation). You may find the is_nvram() observer of particular use here.

296 {
297  auto *tp = (byte_io_handle::const_buffer_type::pointer) (((uintptr_t) req.data()) & ~63);
298  byte_io_handle::const_buffer_type ret{tp, (size_t) (req.data() + 63 + req.size() - tp) & ~63};
299  if(memory_flush_none == mem_flush_stores(ret.data(), ret.size(), evict ? memory_flush_evict : memory_flush_retain))
300  {
301  ret = {tp, 0};
302  }
303  return ret;
304 }

◆ path()

result<path_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::path ( const path_handle base,
path_handle::path_view_type  path 

Create a path handle opening access to some location on the filing system. Some operating systems provide a particularly lightweight method of doing this (Linux: O_PATH, Windows: no access perms) which is much faster than opening a directory. For other systems, we open a directory with read only permissions.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
172 {
173  return path_handle::path(std::forward<decltype(base)>(base), std::forward<decltype(path)>(path));
174 }
result< path_handle > path(path_handle::path_view_type _path) noexcept
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
Definition: path_handle.hpp:176

◆ poll()

result<size_t> llfio_v2_xxx::poll ( span< poll_what >  out,
span< pollable_handle * >  handles,
span< const poll_what >  query,
deadline  d = {} 

Polls a list of pollable handles awaiting a change in state.

The number of handles with changed state. Handles not is_kernel_handle() receive poll_what::not_pollable.
outAn array of poll_what set with the results of the poll. The bits in this array are NOT cleared by this operation, so you need to clear this manualy before the call if that's what you need.
handlesAn array of pointers to handle. Individual pointers can be null if you want to skip them.
queryAn array of poll_what to check.
dAn optional timeout.
Errors returnable\n Whatever POSIX poll() or Windows WSAPoll() can return.

Note that the maximum number of handles which can be passed to this function is 1024 (the platform syscall may refuse even that many). Note that this function is O(N) to handle count, so more than a few hundred is a bad idea in any case. If you need to wait on more handles than this, you need to implement a byte_io_multiplexer for your platform.

The sizes of out, handles and query must be the same, or an error is returned.

On POSIX pipe_handle is a pollable_handle, but on Windows it is not. Also, on Windows, you cannot mix socket handles from different networking stacks in the same poll.


llfio_v2_xxx::QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_BEGIN_T ( poll_what  ,

What to poll.

< Query nothing for this handle.

< If this handle is readable.

< If this handle is writable.

< If this handle is errored. This is always set in the output even if not requested.

< If this handle is closed/hung up. This is always set in the output even if not requested.

< This handle is not pollable.

583 {
584 none = 0U, //!< Query nothing for this handle.
586 is_readable = (1U << 0U), //!< If this handle is readable.
587 is_writable = (1U << 1U), //!< If this handle is writable.
588 is_errored = (1U << 2U), //!< If this handle is errored. This is always set in the output even if not requested.
589 is_closed = (1U << 3U), //!< If this handle is closed/hung up. This is always set in the output even if not requested.
591 not_pollable = (1U << 7U) //!< This handle is not pollable.
592 } //
@ none
No flags.
Definition: byte_socket_handle.hpp:224


llfio_v2_xxx::QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_BEGIN_T ( tls_socket_source_implementation_features  ,

Feature bits for TLS socket sources.

< No bits set

< This socket source provides kernel sockets i.e. their native handles will be valid kernel sockets which can be used in poll() etc

< This socket source is the "system" rather than "third party" implementation for TLS sockets

< This socket source provides an i/o multiplexer

< This socket source may be able to wrap third party plain sockets

< This socket source provides FIPS_140_2 compliant algorithms

< All bits set

303  {
304 none = 0U, //!< No bits set
306 kernel_sockets =
307 (1U << 0U), //!< This socket source provides kernel sockets i.e. their native handles will be valid kernel sockets which can be used in `poll()` etc
308 system_implementation = (1U << 1U), //!< This socket source is the "system" rather than "third party" implementation for TLS sockets
309 io_multiplexer = (1U << 2U), //!< This socket source provides an i/o multiplexer
310 supports_wrap = (1U << 3U), //!< This socket source may be able to wrap third party plain sockets
312 FIPS_140_2 = (1U << 16U), //!< This socket source provides FIPS_140_2 compliant algorithms
314 all = 0xffffffff //!< All bits set
315 } //

◆ read() [1/2]

byte_io_handle::io_result<byte_io_handle::buffers_type> llfio_v2_xxx::read ( byte_io_handle self,
byte_io_handle::io_request< byte_io_handle::buffers_type >  reqs,
deadline  d = deadline() 

Read data from the open handle.

Depending on the implementation backend, very different buffers may be returned than you supplied. You should always use the buffers returned and assume that they point to different memory and that each buffer's size will have changed.
The buffers read, which may not be the buffers input. The size of each scatter-gather buffer is updated with the number of bytes of that buffer transferred, and the pointer to the data may be completely different to what was submitted (e.g. it may point into a memory map).
selfThe object whose member function to call.
reqsA scatter-gather and offset request.
dAn optional deadline by which the i/o must complete, else it is cancelled. Note function may return significantly after this deadline if the i/o takes long to cancel.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX read() can return, errc::timed_out, errc::operation_canceled. errc::not_supported may be
returned if deadline i/o is not possible with this particular handle configuration (e.g. reading from regular files on POSIX or reading from a non-overlapped HANDLE on Windows).
Memory Allocations\n The default synchronous implementation in file_handle performs no memory allocation.
656 {
657  return self.read(std::forward<decltype(reqs)>(reqs), std::forward<decltype(d)>(d));
658 }

◆ read() [2/2]

map_handle::io_result<map_handle::buffers_type> llfio_v2_xxx::read ( map_handle self,
map_handle::io_request< map_handle::buffers_type >  reqs,
deadline  d = deadline() 

Read data from the mapped view.

Because this implementation never copies memory, you can pass in buffers with a null address.
The buffers read, which will never be the buffers input because they will point into the mapped view. The size of each scatter-gather buffer is updated with the number of bytes of that buffer transferred.
selfThe object whose member function to call.
reqsA scatter-gather and offset request.
Errors returnable\n None, though the various signals and structured exception throws common to using memory maps may occur.
Memory Allocations\n None.
1178 {
1179  return self.read(std::forward<decltype(reqs)>(reqs), std::forward<decltype(d)>(d));
1180 }

◆ relink()

result<void> llfio_v2_xxx::relink ( fs_handle self,
const path_handle base,
fs_handle::path_view_type  path,
bool  atomic_replace = true,
deadline  d = std::chrono::seconds(30) 

Relinks the current path of this open handle to the new path specified. If atomic_replace is true, the relink atomically and silently replaces any item at the new path specified. This operation is both atomic and silent matching POSIX behaviour even on Microsoft Windows where no Win32 API can match POSIX semantics.

Some operating systems provide a race free syscall for renaming an open handle (Windows). On all other operating systems this call is racy and can result in the wrong file entry being relinked. Note that unless flag::disable_safety_unlinks is set, this implementation opens a path_handle to the source containing directory first, then checks before relinking that the item about to be relinked has the same inode as the open file handle. It will retry this matching until success until the deadline given. This should prevent most unmalicious accidental loss of data.
selfThe object whose member function to call.
baseBase for any relative path.
pathThe relative or absolute new path to relink to.
atomic_replaceAtomically replace the destination if a file entry already is present there. Choosing false for this will fail if a file entry is already present at the destination, and may not be an atomic operation on some platforms (i.e. both the old and new names may be linked to the same inode for a very short period of time). Windows and recent Linuxes are always atomic.
dThe deadline by which the matching of the containing directory to the open handle's inode must succeed, else errc::timed_out will be returned.
Memory Allocations\n Except on platforms with race free syscalls for renaming open handles (Windows), calls
current_path() via parent_path_handle() and thus is both expensive and calls malloc many times.
543 {
544  return self.relink(std::forward<decltype(base)>(base), std::forward<decltype(path)>(path), std::forward<decltype(atomic_replace)>(atomic_replace),
545  std::forward<decltype(d)>(d));
546 }

◆ section() [1/3]

result<section_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::section ( file_handle backing,
section_handle::extent_type  bytes = 0 

Create a memory section backed by a file.

backingThe handle to use as backing storage.
bytesThe initial size of this section, which cannot be larger than any backing file. Zero means to use backing.maximum_extent().

This convenience overload create a writable section if the backing file is writable, otherwise a read-only section.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return.
1055 {
1056  return section_handle::section(std::forward<decltype(backing)>(backing), std::forward<decltype(bytes)>(bytes));
1057 }

◆ section() [2/3]

result<section_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::section ( file_handle backing,
section_handle::extent_type  maximum_size,
section_handle::flag  _flag 

Create a memory section backed by a file.

backingThe handle to use as backing storage.
maximum_sizeThe initial size of this section, which cannot be larger than any backing file. Zero means to use backing.maximum_extent().
_flagHow to create the section.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return.
1042 {
1043  return section_handle::section(std::forward<decltype(backing)>(backing), std::forward<decltype(maximum_size)>(maximum_size),
1044  std::forward<decltype(_flag)>(_flag));
1045 }

◆ section() [3/3]

result<section_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::section ( section_handle::extent_type  bytes,
const path_handle dirh = path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(),
section_handle::flag  _flag = section_handle::flag::read | section_handle::flag::write 

Create a memory section backed by an anonymous, managed file.

bytesThe initial size of this section. Cannot be zero.
dirhWhere to create the anonymous, managed file.
_flagHow to create the section.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return.
1067 {
1068  return section_handle::section(std::forward<decltype(bytes)>(bytes), std::forward<decltype(dirh)>(dirh), std::forward<decltype(_flag)>(_flag));
1069 }

◆ temp_directory()

result<directory_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::temp_directory ( directory_handle::path_view_type  name = directory_handle::path_view_type(),
directory_handle::mode  _mode = directory_handle::mode::write,
directory_handle::creation  _creation = directory_handle::creation::if_needed,
directory_handle::caching  _caching = directory_handle::caching::all,
directory_handle::flag  flags = directory_handle::flag::none 

Create a directory handle creating the named directory on some path which the OS declares to be suitable for temporary files. Note also that an empty name is equivalent to calling uniquely_named_file(path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory()) and the creation parameter is ignored.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
471 {
472  return directory_handle::temp_directory(std::forward<decltype(name)>(name), std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode),
473  std::forward<decltype(_creation)>(_creation), std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching),
474  std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
475 }
result< directory_handle > temp_directory(directory_handle::path_view_type name=directory_handle::path_view_type(), directory_handle::mode _mode=directory_handle::mode::write, directory_handle::creation _creation=directory_handle::creation::if_needed, directory_handle::caching _caching=directory_handle::caching::all, directory_handle::flag flags=directory_handle::flag::none) noexcept
Definition: directory_handle.hpp:466

◆ temp_file()

result<file_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::temp_file ( file_handle::path_view_type  name = file_handle::path_view_type(),
file_handle::mode  _mode = file_handle::mode::write,
file_handle::creation  _creation = file_handle::creation::if_needed,
file_handle::caching  _caching = file_handle::caching::temporary,
file_handle::flag  flags = file_handle::flag::unlink_on_first_close 

Create a file handle creating the named file on some path which the OS declares to be suitable for temporary files. Most OSs are very lazy about flushing changes made to these temporary files. Note the default flags are to have the newly created file deleted on first handle close. Note also that an empty name is equivalent to calling uniquely_named_file(path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory()) and the creation parameter is ignored.

If the temporary file you are creating is not going to have its path sent to another process for usage, this is the WRONG function to use. Use temp_inode() instead, it is far more secure.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
475 {
476  return file_handle::temp_file(std::forward<decltype(name)>(name), std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode), std::forward<decltype(_creation)>(_creation),
477  std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching), std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
478 }
result< file_handle > temp_file(file_handle::path_view_type name=file_handle::path_view_type(), file_handle::mode _mode=file_handle::mode::write, file_handle::creation _creation=file_handle::creation::if_needed, file_handle::caching _caching=file_handle::caching::temporary, file_handle::flag flags=file_handle::flag::unlink_on_first_close) noexcept
Definition: file_handle.hpp:471

◆ temp_inode()

result<file_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::temp_inode ( const path_handle dirh = path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(),
file_handle::mode  _mode = file_handle::mode::write,
file_handle::caching  _caching = file_handle::caching::temporary,
file_handle::flag  flags = file_handle::flag::none 

Securely create a file handle creating a temporary anonymous inode in the filesystem referred to by dirpath. The inode created has no name nor accessible path on the filing system and ceases to exist as soon as the last handle is closed, making it ideal for use as a temporary file where other processes do not need to have access to its contents via some path on the filing system (a classic use case is for backing shared memory maps).

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
492 {
493  return file_handle::temp_inode(std::forward<decltype(dirh)>(dirh), std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode), std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching),
494  std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
495 }
result< file_handle > temp_inode(const path_handle &dirh=path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(), file_handle::mode _mode=file_handle::mode::write, file_handle::caching _caching=file_handle::caching::temporary, file_handle::flag flags=file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
Definition: file_handle.hpp:489

◆ to_win32_path()

result<filesystem::path> llfio_v2_xxx::to_win32_path ( const fs_handle h,
win32_path_namespace  mapping = win32_path_namespace::any 

Maps the current path of h into a form suitable for Win32 APIs. Passes through unmodified on POSIX, so you can use this in portable code.

The mapped current path of h, which may have been validated to refer to the exact same inode via .unique_id() (see below).
hThe handle whose .current_path() is to be mapped into a form suitable for Win32 APIs.
mappingWhich Win32 path namespace to map onto.

This implementation may need to validate that the mapping of the current path of h onto the desired Win32 path namespace does indeed refer to the same file:

  • win32_path_namespace::device transforms \!!\Device\... => \\.\... and ensures that the mapped file's unique id matches the original, otherwise returning failure.
  • win32_path_namespace::dos enumerates all the DOS devices on the system and what those map onto within the NT kernel namespace. This mapping is for obvious reasons quite slow.
  • win32_path_namespace::guid_volume simply fetches the GUID of the volume of the handle, and constructs a valid Win32 path from that.
  • win32_path_namespace::any means attempt guid_volume first, and if it fails (e.g. your file is on a network share) then it attempts dos. This semantic may change in the future, however any path emitted will always be a valid Win32 path.
145  {
146  (void) mapping;
147  return h._get_handle().current_path();
148  }

◆ truncate() [1/3]

result<file_handle::extent_type> llfio_v2_xxx::truncate ( file_handle self,
file_handle::extent_type  newsize 

Resize the current maximum permitted extent of the file to the given extent, avoiding any new allocation of physical storage where supported. Note that on extents based filing systems this will succeed even if there is insufficient free space on the storage medium.

The bytes actually truncated to.
selfThe object whose member function to call.
newsizeThe bytes to truncate the file to.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX ftruncate() or SetFileInformationByHandle() can return.
520 {
521  return self.truncate(std::forward<decltype(newsize)>(newsize));
522 }

◆ truncate() [2/3]

result<map_handle::size_type> llfio_v2_xxx::truncate ( map_handle self,
map_handle::size_type  newsize,
bool  permit_relocation = false 

Resize the reservation of the memory map without changing the address (unless the map was zero sized, in which case a new address will be chosen).

If shrinking, address space is released on POSIX, and on Windows if the new size is zero. If the new size is zero, the address is set to null to prevent surprises. Windows does not support modifying existing mapped regions, so if the new size is not zero, the call will probably fail. Windows should let you truncate a previous extension however, if it is exact.

If expanding, an attempt is made to map in new reservation immediately after the current address reservation, thus extending the reservation. If anything else is mapped in after the current reservation, the function fails.

On all supported platforms apart from OS X, proprietary flags exist to avoid performing a map if a map extension cannot be immediately placed after the current map. On OS X, we hint where we'd like the new map to go, but if something is already there OS X will place the map elsewhere. In this situation, we delete the new map and return failure, which is inefficient, but there is nothing else we can do.
The bytes actually reserved.
selfThe object whose member function to call.
newsizeThe bytes to truncate the map reservation to. Rounded up to the nearest page size (POSIX) or 64Kb on Windows.
permit_relocationPermit the address to change (some OSs provide a syscall for resizing a memory map).
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX mremap(), mmap(addr) or VirtualAlloc(addr) can return.
1161 {
1162  return self.truncate(std::forward<decltype(newsize)>(newsize), std::forward<decltype(permit_relocation)>(permit_relocation));
1163 }

◆ truncate() [3/3]

result<section_handle::extent_type> llfio_v2_xxx::truncate ( section_handle self,
section_handle::extent_type  newsize = 0 

Resize the current maximum permitted extent of the memory section to the given extent.

selfThe object whose member function to call.
newsizeThe new size of the memory section, which cannot be zero. Specify zero to use backing.maximum_extent(). This cannot exceed the size of any backing file used if that file is not writable.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values NtExtendSection() or ftruncate() can return.
1083 {
1084  return self.truncate(std::forward<decltype(newsize)>(newsize));
1085 }

◆ uniquely_named_directory()

result<directory_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::uniquely_named_directory ( const path_handle dirpath,
directory_handle::mode  _mode = directory_handle::mode::write,
directory_handle::caching  _caching = directory_handle::caching::temporary,
directory_handle::flag  flags = directory_handle::flag::none 

Create a directory handle creating a randomly named file on a path. The file is opened exclusively with creation::only_if_not_exist so it will never collide with nor overwrite any existing entry.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
454 {
455  return directory_handle::uniquely_named_directory(std::forward<decltype(dirpath)>(dirpath), std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode),
456  std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching), std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
457 }
result< directory_handle > uniquely_named_directory(const path_handle &dirpath, directory_handle::mode _mode=directory_handle::mode::write, directory_handle::caching _caching=directory_handle::caching::temporary, directory_handle::flag flags=directory_handle::flag::none) noexcept
Definition: directory_handle.hpp:451

◆ uniquely_named_file()

result<file_handle> llfio_v2_xxx::uniquely_named_file ( const path_handle dirpath,
file_handle::mode  _mode = file_handle::mode::write,
file_handle::caching  _caching = file_handle::caching::temporary,
file_handle::flag  flags = file_handle::flag::none 

Create a file handle creating a randomly named file on a path. The file is opened exclusively with creation::only_if_not_exist so it will never collide with nor overwrite any existing file. Note also that caching defaults to temporary which hints to the OS to only flush changes to physical storage as lately as possible.

Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX open() or CreateFile() can return.
452 {
453  return file_handle::uniquely_named_file(std::forward<decltype(dirpath)>(dirpath), std::forward<decltype(_mode)>(_mode),
454  std::forward<decltype(_caching)>(_caching), std::forward<decltype(flags)>(flags));
455 }
result< file_handle > uniquely_named_file(const path_handle &dirpath, file_handle::mode _mode=file_handle::mode::write, file_handle::caching _caching=file_handle::caching::temporary, file_handle::flag flags=file_handle::flag::none) noexcept
Definition: file_handle.hpp:449

◆ unlink()

result<void> llfio_v2_xxx::unlink ( fs_handle self,
deadline  d = std::chrono::seconds(30) 

Unlinks the current path of this open handle, causing its entry to immediately disappear from the filing system. On Windows unless flag::win_disable_unlink_emulation is set, this behaviour is simulated by renaming the file to something random and setting its delete-on-last-close flag. Note that Windows may prevent the renaming of a file in use by another process, if so it will NOT be renamed. After the next handle to that file closes, it will become permanently unopenable by anyone else until the last handle is closed, whereupon the entry will be eventually removed by the operating system.

Some operating systems provide a race free syscall for unlinking an open handle (Windows). On all other operating systems this call is racy and can result in the wrong file entry being unlinked. Note that unless flag::disable_safety_unlinks is set, this implementation opens a path_handle to the containing directory first, then checks that the item about to be unlinked has the same inode as the open file handle. It will retry this matching until success until the deadline given. This should prevent most unmalicious accidental loss of data.
selfThe object whose member function to call.
dThe deadline by which the matching of the containing directory to the open handle's inode must succeed, else errc::timed_out will be returned.
Memory Allocations\n Except on platforms with race free syscalls for unlinking open handles (Windows), calls
current_path() and thus is both expensive and calls malloc many times. On Windows, also calls current_path() if flag::disable_safety_unlinks is not set.
571 {
572  return self.unlink(std::forward<decltype(d)>(d));
573 }

◆ write() [1/2]

byte_io_handle::io_result<byte_io_handle::const_buffers_type> llfio_v2_xxx::write ( byte_io_handle self,
byte_io_handle::io_request< byte_io_handle::const_buffers_type >  reqs,
deadline  d = deadline() 

Write data to the open handle.

Depending on the implementation backend, not all of the buffers input may be written and the some buffers at the end of the returned buffers may return with zero bytes written. For example, with a zeroed deadline, some backends may only consume as many buffers as the system has available write slots for, thus for those backends this call is "non-blocking" in the sense that it will return immediately even if it could not schedule a single buffer write. Another example is that some implementations will not auto-extend the length of a file when a write exceeds the maximum extent, you will need to issue a truncate(newsize) first.
The buffers written, which may not be the buffers input. The size of each scatter-gather buffer is updated with the number of bytes of that buffer transferred.
selfThe object whose member function to call.
reqsA scatter-gather and offset request.
dAn optional deadline by which the i/o must complete, else it is cancelled. Note function may return significantly after this deadline if the i/o takes long to cancel.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX write() can return, errc::timed_out, errc::operation_canceled. errc::not_supported may be
returned if deadline i/o is not possible with this particular handle configuration (e.g. writing to regular files on POSIX or writing to a non-overlapped HANDLE on Windows).
Memory Allocations\n The default synchronous implementation in file_handle performs no memory allocation.
682 {
683  return self.write(std::forward<decltype(reqs)>(reqs), std::forward<decltype(d)>(d));
684 }

◆ write() [2/2]

map_handle::io_result<map_handle::const_buffers_type> llfio_v2_xxx::write ( map_handle self,
map_handle::io_request< map_handle::const_buffers_type >  reqs,
deadline  d = deadline() 

Write data to the mapped view.

The buffers written, which will never be the buffers input because they will point at where the data was copied into the mapped view. The size of each scatter-gather buffer is updated with the number of bytes of that buffer transferred.
selfThe object whose member function to call.
reqsA scatter-gather and offset request.
Errors returnable\n None, though the various signals and structured exception throws common to using memory maps may occur.
Memory Allocations\n None.
1193 {
1194  return self.write(std::forward<decltype(reqs)>(reqs), std::forward<decltype(d)>(d));
1195 }

◆ zero()

result<file_handle::extent_type> llfio_v2_xxx::zero ( file_handle self,
file_handle::extent_type  offset,
file_handle::extent_type  bytes,
deadline  d = deadline() 

Efficiently zero, and possibly deallocate, data on storage.

On most major operating systems and with recent filing systems which are "extents based", one can deallocate the physical storage of a file, causing the space deallocated to appear all bits zero. This call attempts to deallocate whole pages (usually 4Kb) entirely, and memset's any excess to all bits zero. This call works on most Linux filing systems with a recent kernel, Microsoft Windows with NTFS, and FreeBSD with ZFS. On other systems it simply writes zeros.

The bytes zeroed.
selfThe object whose member function to call.
offsetThe offset to start zeroing from.
bytesThe number of bytes to zero.
dAn optional deadline by which the i/o must complete, else it is cancelled. Note function may return significantly after this deadline if the i/o takes long to cancel.
Errors returnable\n Any of the values POSIX write() can return, errc::timed_out, errc::operation_canceled. errc::not_supported may be
returned if deadline i/o is not possible with this particular handle configuration (e.g. writing to regular files on POSIX or writing to a non-overlapped HANDLE on Windows).
Memory Allocations\n The default synchronous implementation in file_handle performs no memory allocation.
550 {
551  return self.zero(std::forward<decltype(offset)>(offset), std::forward<decltype(bytes)>(bytes), std::forward<decltype(d)>(d));
552 }