Provides fs_handle.
#include "path_handle.hpp"
#include "path_view.hpp"
#include "quickcpplib/uint128.hpp"
result< filesystem::path > | llfio_v2_xxx::to_win32_path (const fs_handle &h, win32_path_namespace mapping=win32_path_namespace::any) noexcept |
| Maps the current path of h into a form suitable for Win32 APIs. Passes through unmodified on POSIX, so you can use this in portable code.
template<class T , typename std::enable_if<(!std::is_base_of< fs_handle, T >::value &&std::is_base_of< handle, T >::value), bool >::type = true> |
result< filesystem::path > | llfio_v2_xxx::to_win32_path (const T &h, win32_path_namespace mapping=win32_path_namespace::any) noexcept |
result< path_handle > | llfio_v2_xxx::detail::containing_directory (optional< std::reference_wrapper< filesystem::path > > out_filename, const handle &h, const fs_handle &fsh, deadline d) noexcept |
result< void > | llfio_v2_xxx::relink (fs_handle &self, const path_handle &base, fs_handle::path_view_type path, bool atomic_replace=true, deadline d=std::chrono::seconds(30)) noexcept |
result< void > | llfio_v2_xxx::unlink (fs_handle &self, deadline d=std::chrono::seconds(30)) noexcept |