LLFIO v2.00
No Matches
path_view.hpp File Reference

Provides view of a path. More...

#include "config.hpp"
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include "quickcpplib/algorithm/hash.hpp"
#include "quickcpplib/algorithm/string.hpp"


class  llfio_v2_xxx::path_view_component
 An iterated part of a path_view. More...
class  llfio_v2_xxx::path_view_component::rendered_path< ZeroTermination, T, AllocatorOrDeleter, _internal_buffer_size, type >
class  llfio_v2_xxx::path_view
 A borrowed view of a path. A lightweight trivial-type alternative to std::filesystem::path. More...


namespace  llfio_v2_xxx
 The LLFIO namespace.


#define LLFIO_PATH_VIEW_CONSTEXPR   constexpr


enum class  char16_t : unsigned short


template<class T >
constexpr size_t llfio_v2_xxx::detail::constexpr_strlen (const T *s) noexcept
constexpr size_t llfio_v2_xxx::detail::constexpr_strlen (const byte *s) noexcept
char * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, char *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const llfio_v2_xxx ::byte *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
char * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, char *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const char *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
char * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, char *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const wchar_t *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
char * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, char *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const char8_t *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
char * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, char *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const char16_t *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
wchar_t * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, wchar_t *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const llfio_v2_xxx ::byte *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
wchar_t * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, wchar_t *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const char *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
wchar_t * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, wchar_t *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const wchar_t *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
wchar_t * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, wchar_t *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const char8_t *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
wchar_t * llfio_v2_xxx::detail::reencode_path_to (size_t &toallocate, wchar_t *dest_buffer, size_t dest_buffer_length, const char16_t *src_buffer, size_t src_buffer_length, const std::locale *loc)
template<class T , class U , typename = decltype( std::declval<U>()((T *) nullptr) )>
constexpr U llfio_v2_xxx::detail::is_deleter (U &&v)
template<class T >
constexpr void llfio_v2_xxx::detail::is_deleter (...)
template<class U , typename = decltype( std::declval<U>().deallocate((typename U::value_type *) nullptr, (size_t) 0) )>
constexpr U llfio_v2_xxx::detail::is_allocator (U &&v)
constexpr void llfio_v2_xxx::detail::is_allocator (...)
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator== (path_view_component x, path_view_component y) noexcept
 Compares identity equality not equivalence i.e. backing storage type must be identical, and backing bytes must be identical. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator== (path_view x, path_view y) noexcept
 Compares individual path view components for identity not equivalence. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator!= (path_view_component x, path_view_component y) noexcept
 Compares identity inequality not disequivalence i.e. backing storage type must be different, or backing bytes must be different. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator< (path_view_component x, path_view_component y) noexcept
 Compares identity for ordering i.e. backing storage type must be different, or backing bytes must be different. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator!= (path_view x, path_view y) noexcept
 Compares individual path view components for non-**identity** not disequivalence. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator< (path_view x, path_view y) noexcept
 Compares individual path view components for ordering. Use compare() if you want something stronger.
constexpr size_t llfio_v2_xxx::hash_value (path_view_component view) noexcept
 Hashes a path_view_component.
template<class F >
constexpr auto llfio_v2_xxx::visit (path_view_component view, F &&f)
 Visit the underlying source for a path_view_component (LLFIO backwards compatible overload)
template<class F >
constexpr auto llfio_v2_xxx::visit (F &&f, path_view_component view)
 Visit the underlying source for a path_view_component (std compatible overload)
std::ostream & llfio_v2_xxx::operator<< (std::ostream &s, const path_view_component &v)
constexpr size_t llfio_v2_xxx::hash_value (path_view x) noexcept
 Return the combined hash of individual path components.
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator== (path_view_component, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator== (const CharT *, path_view_component) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator!= (path_view_component, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator!= (const CharT *, path_view_component) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator< (path_view_component, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view_component::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator< (const CharT *, path_view_component) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator== (path_view, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator== (const CharT *, path_view) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator!= (path_view, const CharT *) noexcept
template<class CharT , typename std::enable_if<(path_view::is_source_acceptable< CharT >), bool >::type = true>
constexpr bool llfio_v2_xxx::operator!= (const CharT *, path_view) noexcept
filesystem::path & llfio_v2_xxx::operator+= (filesystem::path &a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path.
filesystem::path & llfio_v2_xxx::operator/= (filesystem::path &a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path.
filesystem::path llfio_v2_xxx::operator/ (const filesystem::path &a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path.
filesystem::path llfio_v2_xxx::operator/ (filesystem::path &&a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path.
template<class T , typename std::enable_if<(std::is_same< T, path_view_component >::value||std::is_same< T, path_view >::value), bool >::type = true>
filesystem::path llfio_v2_xxx::operator/ (T a, path_view_component b)
 Append a path view component to a path view component.

Detailed Description

Provides view of a path.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ char16_t

enum class llfio_v2_xxx::detail::char16_t : unsigned short
157 {
158 };

Function Documentation

◆ constexpr_strlen() [1/2]

constexpr size_t llfio_v2_xxx::detail::constexpr_strlen ( const byte *  s)
85 {
86 const byte *e = s;
87 for(; *e != to_byte(0); e++)
88 {
89 }
90 return e - s;
91 }

◆ constexpr_strlen() [2/2]

template<class T >
constexpr size_t llfio_v2_xxx::detail::constexpr_strlen ( const T *  s)
77 {
78 const T *e = s;
79 for(; *e; e++)
80 {
81 }
82 return e - s;
83 }

◆ is_allocator() [1/2]

constexpr void llfio_v2_xxx::detail::is_allocator (   ...)

◆ is_allocator() [2/2]

template<class U , typename = decltype( std::declval<U>().deallocate((typename U::value_type *) nullptr, (size_t) 0) )>
constexpr U llfio_v2_xxx::detail::is_allocator ( U &&  v)
215 {
216 return v;
217 }

◆ is_deleter() [1/2]

template<class T >
constexpr void llfio_v2_xxx::detail::is_deleter (   ...)

◆ is_deleter() [2/2]

template<class T , class U , typename = decltype( std::declval<U>()((T *) nullptr) )>
constexpr U llfio_v2_xxx::detail::is_deleter ( U &&  v)
209 {
210 return v;
211 }