Reference implementation for proposed SG14 status_code (<system_error2>) in C++ 11

(C) 2018 - 2020 Niall Douglas Please send feedback to the SG14 study group mailing list at

Docs: (reference API docs are at bottom of page) Linux: Build Status Windows: Build status

Solves the problems for low latency/large code base users with <system_error> as listed by WG21 P0824. This proposed <system_error2> library is EXPERIMENTAL and is subject to change as the committee evolves the design. The proposal paper for this library is WG21 P1028. To fetch a drop-in standalone single file implementation:


If you'd like a 'ready to go' T-or-E variant return solution where your functions just return a result<T> which can transport either a success or a failure, consider using Experimental.Outcome which bundles a copy of this library inside the standalone Outcome and Boost.Outcome distributions. You can find an example of use here. Experimental.Outcome works great with C++ exceptions globally disabled, and includes only a very minimal set of C++ headers.


Example of use:

POSIX Windows
using native_handle_type = int;
native_handle_type open_file(const char *path,
  system_error2::system_code &sc) noexcept
  sc.clear();  // clears to empty
  native_handle_type h = ::open(path, O_RDONLY);
  if(-1 == h)
    // posix_code type erases into system_code
    sc = system_error2::posix_code(errno);
  return h;
using native_handle_type = HANDLE;
native_handle_type open_file(const wchar_t *path,
  system_error2::system_code &sc) noexcept
  sc.clear();  // clears to empty
  native_handle_type h = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ,
    // win32_code type erases into system_code
    sc = system_error2::win32_code(GetLastError());
  return h;
Portable code
system_error2::system_code sc;  // default constructs to empty
native_handle_type h = open_file(path, sc);
// Is the code a failure?
  // Do semantic comparison to test if this was a file not found failure
  // This will match any system-specific error codes meaning a file not found
  if(sc != system_error2::errc::no_such_file_or_directory)
    std::cerr << "FATAL: " << sc.message().c_str() << std::endl;

Quick synthesis of a custom status code domain for any arbitrary enumeration type:

Defining a custom status code domain requires writing a lot of tedious boilerplate. End user Jesse Towner suggested a simplified declarative API so arbitrary enumeration types can be wrapped into a custom status code domain with a minimum of effort.

Note that this support requires a minimum of C++ 14 in the compiler. It is not defined if in C++ 11.

// This is some third party enumeration type in another namespace
namespace another_namespace
  // "Initialiser list" custom status code domain
  enum class AnotherCode : size_t
}  // namespace another_namespace

// To synthesise a custom status code domain for `AnotherCode`, inject the following
// template specialisation:
template <>
struct quick_status_code_from_enum<another_namespace::AnotherCode>
  : quick_status_code_from_enum_defaults<another_namespace::AnotherCode>
  // Text name of the enum
  static constexpr const auto domain_name = "Another Code";

  // Unique UUID for the enum. PLEASE use
  static constexpr const auto domain_uuid = "{be201f65-3962-dd0e-1266-a72e63776a42}";

  // Map of each enum value to its text string, and list of semantically equivalent errc's
  static const std::initializer_list &value_mappings()
    static const std::initializer_list<mapping> v = {
    // Format is: { enum value, "string representation", { list of errc mappings ... } }
    {AnotherCode::success1, "Success 1", {errc::success}},        //
    {AnotherCode::goaway, "Go away", {errc::permission_denied}},  //
    {AnotherCode::success2, "Success 2", {errc::success}},        //
    {AnotherCode::error2, "Error 2", {}},                         //
    return v;

  // Completely optional definition of mixin for the status code synthesised from `Enum`.
  // It can be omitted.
  template <class Base> struct mixin : Base
    using Base::Base;

    // A custom method on the synthesised status code
    constexpr int custom_method() const { return 42; }

// If you wish easy manufacture of status codes from AnotherCode:
namespace another_namespace
  // ADL discovered, must be in same namespace as AnotherCode
  constexpr inline
  status_code(AnotherCode c) { return c; }
}  // namespace another_namespace

// Make a status code of the synthesised code domain for `AnotherCode`
SYSTEM_ERROR2_CONSTEXPR14 auto v = status_code(another_namespace::AnotherCode::error2);
assert(v.value() == another_namespace::AnotherCode::error2);
assert(v.custom_method() == 42);

// If you don't need custom methods, just use system_code, all erased
// status codes recognise quick_status_code_from_enum
SYSTEM_ERROR2_NAMESPACE::system_code v2(another_namespace::AnotherCode::error2)

Problems with <system_error> solved:

  1. Does not cause #include <string>, and thus including the entire STL allocator and algorithm machinery, thus preventing use in freestanding C++ as well as substantially impacting compile times which can be a showstopper for very large C++ projects. Only includes the following headers:

    All of the above headers are on the "fast parse" list at

    These may look like a lot, but in fact just including <atomic> on libstdc++ actually brings in most of the others in any case, and a total of 200Kb (8,000 lines) of text is including by system_error2.hpp on libstdc++ 7. Compiling a file including status_code.hpp takes less than 150 ms with clang 3.3 as according to the -ftime-report diagnostic (a completely empty file takes 5 ms).

  2. Unlike std::error_code which was designed before constexpr, this proposed implementation has all-constexpr construction and destruction with as many operations as possible being trivial or literal, with only those exact minimum operations which require runtime code generation being non-trivial (note: requires C++ 14 for a complete implementation of this).

  3. This in turn means that we solve a long standing problem with std::error_category in that it is not possible to define a safe custom C++ 11 error category in a header only library where semantic comparisons would randomly break depending on the direction of wind blowing when the linker ran. This proposed design is 100% safe to use in header only libraries.

  4. std::error_code's boolean conversion operator i.e. if(ec) ... has become unfortunately ambiguous in real world C++ out there. Its correct meaning is "if ec has a non-zero value". Unfortunately, much code out in the wild uses it as if "if ec is errored". This is incorrect, though safe most of the time where ec's category is well known i.e. non-zero values are always an error. For unknown categories supplied by third party code however, it is dangerous and leads to unpleasant, hard-to-debug, surprise.

    The status_code proposed here suffers from no such ambiguity. It can be one of exactly three meanings: (i) success (ii) failure (iii) empty (uninitialised). There is no boolean conversion operator, so users must write out exactly what they mean e.g. if(sc.success()) ..., if(sc.failure()) ..., if(sc.empty()) ....

  5. Relatedly, status_code can now represent successful (informational) codes as well as failure codes. Unlike std::error_code where zero is given special meaning, we impose no requirements at all on the choice of coding. This permits safe usage of more complex C status coding such as the NT kernel's NTSTATUS, which is a LONG whereby bits 31 and 30 determine which of four categories the status is (success, informational, warning, error), or the very commone case where negative numbers mean failure and positive numbers mean success-with-information.

  6. The relationship between std::error_code and std::error_condition is confusing to many users reading code based on <system_error>, specifically when is a comparison between codes semantic or literal? status_code makes all comparisons semantic, always. If you want a literal comparison, you can do one by hand by comparing domains and values directly.

  7. std::error_code enforced its value to always be an int. This is problematic for coding systems which might use a long and implement coding namespaces within the extended number of bits, or for end users wishing to combine a code with a void * in order to transmit payload or additional context. As a result, status_code is templated to its domain, and the domain sets its type. A type erased edition of status_code<D> is available as status_code<void>, this is for obvious reasons non-copyable, non-movable and non-destructible.

    A more useful type erased edition is status_code<erased<T>> which is available if D::value_type is trivially copyable, T is an integral type, and sizeof(T) >= sizeof(D::value_type). This lets you use status_code<erased<T>> in all your public interfaces without restrictions. As a pointer to the original category is retained, and trivially copyable types may be legally copied by memcpy(), type erased status codes work exactly as normal, except that publicly it does not advertise its type.

  8. std::system_category assumes that there is only one "system" error coding, something mostly true on POSIX, but not elsewhere. This library defines system_code to a type erased status code sufficiently large enough to carry any of the system error codings on the current platform. This allows code to construct the precise error code for the system failure in question, and return it type erased from the function. Depending on the system call which failed, a function may therefore return any one of many system code domains.

  9. Too much <system_error> code written for POSIX uses std::generic_category when they really meant std::system_category because the two are interchangeable on POSIX. Further confusion stems from std::error_condition also sharing the same coding and type. This causes portability problems. This library's generic_code has a value type of errc which is a strong enum. This prevents implicit confusion with posix_code, whose value type is an int same as errno returns. There is no distinction between codes and conditions in this library, rather we treat generic_code as something special, because it represents errc. The cleanup of these ambiguities in <system_error> should result in users writing clearer code with fewer unintended portability problems.

Project index

Worked example writing a custom status code domain and code

In this worked example, we will implement a custom status code domain whose code carries as payload a std::exception_ptr i.e. a previously thrown C++ exception object. This will be somewhat challenging as we shall be keeping our custom status_code trivially copyable in order to preserve the type erasability into status_code<erased<intptr_t>>, which in turn creates the problem of managing the lifetime of the std::exception_ptr.

The way we will solve this is to keep a threadsafe global register of std::exception_ptr instances. This could, of course, also be thread local or use a wide variety of other methods of storage, but for here we shall be keeping it simple.

Storing the std::exception_ptr instances

#include "system_error2.hpp"

#include <exception>
#include <mutex>

static constexpr size_t max_exception_ptrs = 16;

using namespace SYSTEM_ERROR2_NAMESPACE;

struct exception_ptr_storage_t
  using index_type = unsigned int;

  mutable std::mutex lock;
  std::exception_ptr items[max_exception_ptrs];
  index_type idx{0};

  std::exception_ptr operator[](index_type i) const
    std::lock_guard h(lock);
    return (idx - i < max_exception_ptrs) ? items[i % max_exception_ptrs] : std::exception_ptr();
  index_type add(std::exception_ptr p)
    std::lock_guard h(lock);
    items[idx] = std::move(p);
    return idx++;
inline exception_ptr_storage_t exception_ptr_storage;

The above is a fairly standard way of implementing a threadsafe global register of instances. We keep max_exception_ptrs instances, using modulus to convert some index id into a slot. We detect when an index id refers to an instance whose slot has been used by a more recent addition, and for that return a null instance.

Declaring thrown_exception_code and its domain

// Alias our new status code to its domain
class _thrown_exception_domain;
using thrown_exception_code = status_code<_thrown_exception_domain>;

As a general rule, one usually does not need to create a custom status code implementation, typedefing it to a custom domain is almost always sufficient. If you'd like status code to implicitly construct from some type, you can write an ADL discovered function called make_status_code(T) where T is the type you want implicit construction from. Place the ADL discovered function into the same namespace as T, and status code will find it. All that said, you can of course inherit from status_code<YourDomain> if you'd like, this can be useful if you have particularly custom constructors.

class _thrown_exception_domain : public status_code_domain
  // We permit status code to call our protected functions
  template <class DomainType> friend class status_code;
  using _base = status_code_domain;

  // Our value type is the index into the exception_ptr storage
  using value_type = exception_ptr_storage_t::index_type;

status code does not require trivial copyability, but you are highly advised to use a value type which is trivially copyable as then the compiler can store the code in CPU registers rather than memory. This leads to higher quality codegen.

It also enables type erasure into the copyable and moveable form of status code i.e. status_code<erased<T>>. If your value type is not trivially copyable, you only have the immutable form of type erased status code available status_code<void>.

  // std::exception::what() returns const char *, so the default string_ref is sufficient
  using _base::string_ref;

  // Always use to create a
  // unique 64 bit value for every unique domain you create!
  constexpr _thrown_exception_domain() noexcept : _base(0xb766b5e50597a655) {}

Code domains use a unique 64 bit id to identify themselves. This allows multiple singletons to exist and correctly compare equal. The all-constexpr construction and destruction of the code domain ensures that the compiler will assume that the domain can be assumed to not have unique instancing i.e. the id comparison will generally be compiled out as it is considered part of the domain's type.

  // Default all the copy, move and destruct. This makes the type 100% constexpr in every way
  // which in turns allows the compiler to assume it will not be instantiated at runtime.
  _thrown_exception_domain(const _thrown_exception_domain &) = default;
  _thrown_exception_domain(_thrown_exception_domain &&) = default;
  _thrown_exception_domain &operator=(const _thrown_exception_domain &) = default;
  _thrown_exception_domain &operator=(_thrown_exception_domain &&) = default;
  ~_thrown_exception_domain() = default;

  // Fetch a constexpr instance of this domain
  static inline constexpr const _thrown_exception_domain &get();

  // Return the name of this domain
  virtual _base::string_ref name() const noexcept override final { return _base::string_ref("thrown exception"); }

You can customise your implementation of string_ref to implement reference counting or other lifetime management of strings returned by the domain. This lets you fetch a string in the current locale into a memory allocation, and once nobody is using it, it can be deallocated. The built-in domains of posix_code, win32_code etc do exactly this, so examine their source code for an example of how to implement atomics-based threadsafe reference counting.

The name() is the first pure virtual function which all implementations of status_code_domain must implement.

  // This internal routine maps an exception ptr onto a generic_code
  // It is surely hideously slow, but that's all relative in the end
  static errc _generic_code(value_type c) noexcept
      std::exception_ptr e = exception_ptr_storage[c];
        return errc::unknown;
    catch(const std::invalid_argument & /*unused*/)
      return errc::invalid_argument;
    catch(const std::domain_error & /*unused*/)
      return errc::argument_out_of_domain;
    catch(const std::length_error & /*unused*/)
      return errc::argument_list_too_long;
    catch(const std::out_of_range & /*unused*/)
      return errc::result_out_of_range;
    catch(const std::logic_error & /*unused*/) /* base class for this group */
      return errc::invalid_argument;
    catch(const std::system_error &e) /* also catches ios::failure */
      return static_cast<errc>(e.code().value());
    catch(const std::overflow_error & /*unused*/)
      return errc::value_too_large;
    catch(const std::range_error & /*unused*/)
      return errc::result_out_of_range;
    catch(const std::runtime_error & /*unused*/) /* base class for this group */
      return errc::resource_unavailable_try_again;
    catch(const std::bad_alloc & /*unused*/)
      return errc::not_enough_memory;
    return errc::unknown;

errc is a slight superset of std::errc, but ia otherwise identical. It has a special place in <system_error2> because it is the value type of the generic_code status code, and all other status codes are expected to "speak" generic_code. We therefore need a way of mapping the thrown C++ exception into a errc, so we rethrow it and catch all of the STL exception types, returning their equivalent errc code. This function will be used in two parts of the code domain's implementation shortly.

  // Always true, as exception_ptr always represents failure
  virtual bool _do_failure(const status_code<void> &code) const noexcept override final
    assert(code.domain() == *this);
    return true;

This is the second pure virtual function which all implementations of status_code_domain must implement. Each code might have multiple success or failure states, and this function must return true if the code given represents a failure. In this domain's case, all thrown exceptions represent failure. So we always return true.

  // True if the exception ptr is equivalent to some other status code
  virtual bool _do_equivalent(const status_code<void> &code1, const status_code<void> &code2) const noexcept override final
    assert(code1.domain() == *this);
    const auto &c1 = static_cast<const thrown_exception_code &>(code1);
    if(code2.domain() == *this)
      const auto &c2 = static_cast<const thrown_exception_code &>(code2);
      // Always perform literal comparison when domains are equal. The fallback
      // semantic comparison of converting both to generic_code and comparing
      // will handle semantic comparison of the same domain.
      return c1.value() == c2.value();
    // If anything in your coding matches anything in errc, you should match it here
    if(code2.domain() == generic_code_domain)
      const auto &c2 = static_cast<const generic_code &>(code2);
      if(c2.value() == _generic_code(c1.value()))
        return true;
    return false;

This third pure virtual function implementation is the heart of the implementation of semantic comparisons. Semantic comparisons are implemented as follows:

1. If the two codes are empty, they are equivalent.
2. Ask the first code's domain if its code is `_equivalent()` to the second code.
3. Ask the second code's domain if its code is `_equivalent()` to the first code.
4. Map the second code to its nearest generic code, and ask the first
code's domain if its code is `_equivalent()` to the nearest generic code.
5. Map the first code to its nearest generic code, and ask the second
code's domain if its code is `_equivalent()` to the nearest generic code.

In _equivalent(), we always first check if the other domain is us, if so we do a literal comparison knowing that the generic mapping fallback will handle the semantic comparison of codes of the same domain. If the other domain is the generic code domain, we map our thrown exception to errc as described earlier, and if that is the same we return true.

You can of course also do matching on any other custom domain of your choice. For example, com_code also recognises win32_code and nt_code during _equivalent(). You can examine its source code if you'd like to know more.

  // Called as a fallback if _equivalent() fails
  virtual generic_code _generic_code(const status_code<void> &code) const noexcept override final
    assert(code.domain() == *this);
    const auto &c1 = static_cast<const thrown_exception_code &>(code);
    return generic_code(_generic_code(c1.value()));

This fourth of the pure virtual functions in status_code_domain is fairly self explanatory.

  // Extract the what() from the exception
  virtual _base::string_ref _do_message(const status_code<void> &code) const noexcept override final
    assert(code.domain() == *this);
    const auto &c = static_cast<const thrown_exception_code &>(code);
      std::exception_ptr e = exception_ptr_storage[c.value()];
        return _base::string_ref("expired");
    catch(const std::exception &x)
      return _base::string_ref(x.what());
      return _base::string_ref("unknown thrown exception");

Usefully, std::exception provides a what() function returning a const char *. So we don't need to implement extra lifetime management as the exception ptr holds open the message string for us. Therefore we simply rethrow the exception, catch any std::exception implementations and return their what() string. A nicer fallback might be to extract the type of the exception from typeid() and return that, that is left to the reader to implement.

  // Throw the code as a C++ exception
  virtual void _do_throw_exception(const status_code<void> &code) const override final
    assert(code.domain() == *this);
    const auto &c = static_cast<const thrown_exception_code &>(code);
    std::exception_ptr e = exception_ptr_storage[c.value()];

The final pure virtual function which must be implemented is how best to throw the status code as a C++ exception. In this case this is very easy, we rethrow the thrown exception.

//! A constexpr source variable for the throw exception code domain to return via get()
constexpr inline _thrown_exception_domain thrown_exception_domain;
inline constexpr const _thrown_exception_domain &_thrown_exception_domain::get()
  return thrown_exception_domain;

// Helper to construct a thrown_exception_code from a std::exception_ptr
inline thrown_exception_code make_status_code(std::exception_ptr ep)
  return thrown_exception_code(in_place, exception_ptr_storage.add(std::move(ep)));

Finally, we need to implement the domain's static get() function which returns a constexpr source of the domain from which codes of this domain can initialise their reference to their domain. We also declare a helper function make_status_code() which will store an exception ptr into the global threadsafe storage and return a thrown_exception_code referencing that stored thrown exception.

Let's quickly see a use case:

int main()
  thrown_exception_code tec(make_status_code(std::make_exception_ptr(std::bad_alloc())));
  system_code sc(tec);
  printf("Thrown exception code has message %s\n", sc.message().c_str());
  printf("Thrown exception code == errc::not_enough_memory = %d\n", sc == errc::not_enough_memory);
  return 0;

Because the size of thrown_exception_code is not bigger than system_code and the value type is trivially copyable, system_code which is a type erased form of status code will accept construction from thrown_exception_code. This allows your functions to return system_code, thus allowing multiple code domains to be returned.

If you would like to see this custom status code and domain in action, you can find it in an online C++ compiler at

You can also find the source code for the above in example/thrown_exception.cpp.