pcpp.pcmd module

Source code
# Python C99 conforming preprocessor command line
# (C) 2017-2020 Niall Douglas http://www.nedproductions.biz/
# Started: March 2017

from __future__ import generators, print_function, absolute_import, division

import sys, argparse, traceback, os, copy, io, re
if __name__ == '__main__' and __package__ is None:
    sys.path.append( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__) ) ) )
from pcpp.preprocessor import Preprocessor, OutputDirective, Action


__all__ = []

class FileAction(argparse.Action):
    def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs):
        super(FileAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        if getattr(namespace, self.dest)[0] == sys.stdin:
            items = []
            items = copy.copy(getattr(namespace, self.dest))
        items += [argparse.FileType('rt')(value) for value in values]
        setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)

class CmdPreprocessor(Preprocessor):
    def __init__(self, argv):
        if len(argv) < 2:
            argv = [argv[0], '--help']
        argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='pcpp',
    '''A pure universal Python C (pre-)preprocessor implementation very useful for
    pre-preprocessing header only C++ libraries into single file includes and
    other such build or packaging stage malarky.''',
    '''Note that so pcpp can stand in for other preprocessor tooling, it
    ignores any arguments it does not understand.''')
        argp.add_argument('inputs', metavar = 'input', default = [sys.stdin], nargs = '*', action = FileAction, help = 'Files to preprocess (use \'-\' for stdin)')
        argp.add_argument('-o', dest = 'output', metavar = 'path', type = argparse.FileType('wt'), default=sys.stdout, nargs = '?', help = 'Output to a file instead of stdout')
        argp.add_argument('-D', dest = 'defines', metavar = 'macro[=val]', nargs = 1, action = 'append', help = 'Predefine name as a macro [with value]')
        argp.add_argument('-U', dest = 'undefines', metavar = 'macro', nargs = 1, action = 'append', help = 'Pre-undefine name as a macro')
        argp.add_argument('-N', dest = 'nevers', metavar = 'macro', nargs = 1, action = 'append', help = 'Never define name as a macro, even if defined during the preprocessing.')
        argp.add_argument('-I', dest = 'includes', metavar = 'path', nargs = 1, action = 'append', help = "Path to search for unfound #include's")
        #argp.add_argument('--passthru', dest = 'passthru', action = 'store_true', help = 'Pass through everything unexecuted except for #include and include guards (which need to be the first thing in an include file')
        argp.add_argument('--passthru-defines', dest = 'passthru_defines', action = 'store_true', help = 'Pass through but still execute #defines and #undefs if not always removed by preprocessor logic')
        argp.add_argument('--passthru-unfound-includes', dest = 'passthru_unfound_includes', action = 'store_true', help = 'Pass through #includes not found without execution')
        argp.add_argument('--passthru-unknown-exprs', dest = 'passthru_undefined_exprs', action = 'store_true', help = 'Unknown macros in expressions cause preprocessor logic to be passed through instead of executed by treating unknown macros as 0L')
        argp.add_argument('--passthru-comments', dest = 'passthru_comments', action = 'store_true', help = 'Pass through comments unmodified')
        argp.add_argument('--passthru-magic-macros', dest = 'passthru_magic_macros', action = 'store_true', help = 'Pass through double underscore magic macros unmodified')
        argp.add_argument('--passthru-includes', dest = 'passthru_includes', metavar = '<regex>', default = None, nargs = 1, help = "Regular expression for which #includes to not expand. #includes, if found, are always executed")
        argp.add_argument('--disable-auto-pragma-once', dest = 'auto_pragma_once_disabled', action = 'store_true', default = False, help = 'Disable the heuristics which auto apply #pragma once to #include files wholly wrapped in an obvious include guard macro')
        argp.add_argument('--line-directive', dest = 'line_directive', metavar = 'form', default = '#line', nargs = '?', help = "Form of line directive to use, defaults to #line, specify nothing to disable output of line directives")
        argp.add_argument('--debug', dest = 'debug', action = 'store_true', help = 'Generate a pcpp_debug.log file logging execution')
        argp.add_argument('--time', dest = 'time', action = 'store_true', help = 'Print the time it took to #include each file')
        argp.add_argument('--filetimes', dest = 'filetimes', metavar = 'path', type = argparse.FileType('wt'), default=None, nargs = '?', help = 'Write CSV file with time spent inside each included file, inclusive and exclusive')
        argp.add_argument('--compress', dest = 'compress', action = 'store_true', help = 'Make output as small as possible')
        argp.add_argument('--assume-input-encoding', dest = 'assume_input_encoding', metavar = '<encoding>', default = None, nargs = 1, help = 'The text encoding to assume inputs are in')
        argp.add_argument('--output-encoding', dest = 'output_encoding', metavar = '<encoding>', default = None, nargs = 1, help = 'The text encoding to use when writing files')
        argp.add_argument('--write-bom', dest = 'write_bom', action = 'store_true', help = 'Prefix any output with a Unicode BOM')
        argp.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='pcpp ' + version)
        args = argp.parse_known_args(argv[1:])
        for arg in args[1]:
            print("NOTE: Argument %s not known, ignoring!" % arg, file = sys.stderr)

        self.args = args[0]
        super(CmdPreprocessor, self).__init__()
        # Override Preprocessor instance variables
        self.define("__PCPP_VERSION__ " + version)
        self.define("__PCPP_ALWAYS_FALSE__ 0")
        self.define("__PCPP_ALWAYS_TRUE__ 1")
        if self.args.debug:
            self.debugout = open("pcpp_debug.log", "wt")
        self.auto_pragma_once_enabled = not self.args.auto_pragma_once_disabled
        self.line_directive = self.args.line_directive
        if self.line_directive is not None and self.line_directive.lower() in ('nothing', 'none', ''):
            self.line_directive = None
        if self.args.passthru_includes is not None:
            self.passthru_includes = re.compile(self.args.passthru_includes[0])
        self.compress = 2 if self.args.compress else 0
        if self.args.passthru_magic_macros:
            self.expand_linemacro = False
            self.expand_filemacro = False
            self.expand_countermacro = False
        if self.args.assume_input_encoding is not None:
            self.args.assume_input_encoding = self.args.assume_input_encoding[0]
            self.assume_encoding = self.args.assume_input_encoding
            if len(self.args.inputs) == 1:
                # Reopen our input files with the appropriate encoding
                _ = self.on_file_open(False, self.args.inputs[0].name)
                self.args.inputs[0] = _
            if self.args.output_encoding is None:
                self.args.output_encoding = self.args.assume_input_encoding
        if self.args.output_encoding is not None:
            self.args.output_encoding = self.args.output_encoding[0]
            # Reopen our output file with the appropriate encoding
            _ = io.open(self.args.output.name, 'w', encoding = self.args.output_encoding)
            self.args.output = _
            if self.args.write_bom:
        # My own instance variables
        self.bypass_ifpassthru = False
        self.potential_include_guard = None

        if self.args.defines:
            self.args.defines = [x[0] for x in self.args.defines]
            for d in self.args.defines:
                if '=' not in d:
                    d += '=1'
                d = d.replace('=', ' ', 1)
        if self.args.undefines:
            self.args.undefines = [x[0] for x in self.args.undefines]
            for d in self.args.undefines:
        if self.args.nevers:
            self.args.nevers = [x[0] for x in self.args.nevers]
        if self.args.includes:
            self.args.includes = [x[0] for x in self.args.includes]
            for d in self.args.includes:

            if len(self.args.inputs) == 1:
                input = ''
                for i in self.args.inputs:
                    input += '#include "' + i.name + '"\n'
            print(traceback.print_exc(10), file = sys.stderr)
                % (self.lastdirective.source, self.lastdirective.lineno), file = sys.stderr)
            for i in self.args.inputs:
            if self.args.output != sys.stdout:
        if self.args.time:
            print("\nTime report:")
            for n in range(0, len(self.include_times)):
                if n == 0:
                    print("top level: %f seconds" % self.include_times[n].elapsed)
                elif self.include_times[n].depth == 1:
                    print("\n %s: %f seconds (%f%%)" % (self.include_times[n].included_path, self.include_times[n].elapsed, 100 * self.include_times[n].elapsed / self.include_times[0].elapsed))
                    print("%s%s: %f seconds" % (' ' * self.include_times[n].depth, self.include_times[n].included_path, self.include_times[n].elapsed))
            print("\nPragma once files (including heuristically applied):")
            for i in self.include_once:
                print(" ", i)
        if self.args.filetimes:
            print('"Total seconds","Self seconds","File size","File path"', file = self.args.filetimes)
            filetimes = {}
            currentfiles = []
            for n in range(0, len(self.include_times)):
                while self.include_times[n].depth < len(currentfiles):
                if self.include_times[n].depth > len(currentfiles) - 1:
                #for path in currentfiles:
                #    print("currentfiles =", path)
                path = currentfiles[-1]
                if path in filetimes:
                    filetimes[path][0] += self.include_times[n].elapsed
                    filetimes[path][1] += self.include_times[n].elapsed
                    filetimes[path] = [self.include_times[n].elapsed, self.include_times[n].elapsed]
                if self.include_times[n].elapsed > 0 and len(currentfiles) > 1:
                    #print("Removing child %f from parent %s = %f" % (self.include_times[n].elapsed, currentfiles[-2], filetimes[currentfiles[-2]]))
                    filetimes[currentfiles[-2]][1] -= self.include_times[n].elapsed
            filetimes = [(v[0],v[1],k) for k,v in filetimes.items()]
            for t,s,p in filetimes:
                print(('%f,%f,%d,"%s"' % (t, s, os.stat(p).st_size, p)), file = self.args.filetimes)
    def on_include_not_found(self,is_malformed,is_system_include,curdir,includepath):
        if self.args.passthru_unfound_includes:
            raise OutputDirective(Action.IgnoreAndPassThrough)
        return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_include_not_found(is_malformed,is_system_include,curdir,includepath)

    def on_unknown_macro_in_defined_expr(self,tok):
        if self.args.undefines:
            if tok.value in self.args.undefines:
                return False
        if self.args.passthru_undefined_exprs:
            return None  # Pass through as expanded as possible
        return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_unknown_macro_in_defined_expr(tok)
    def on_unknown_macro_in_expr(self,ident):
        if self.args.undefines:
            if ident in self.args.undefines:
                return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_unknown_macro_in_expr(ident)
        if self.args.passthru_undefined_exprs:
            return None  # Pass through as expanded as possible
        return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_unknown_macro_in_expr(ident)
    def on_unknown_macro_function_in_expr(self,ident):
        if self.args.undefines:
            if ident in self.args.undefines:
                return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_unknown_macro_function_in_expr(ident)
        if self.args.passthru_undefined_exprs:
            return None  # Pass through as expanded as possible
        return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_unknown_macro_function_in_expr(ident)
    def on_directive_handle(self,directive,toks,ifpassthru,precedingtoks):
        if ifpassthru:
            if directive.value == 'if' or directive.value == 'elif' or directive == 'else' or directive.value == 'endif':
                self.bypass_ifpassthru = len([tok for tok in toks if tok.value == '__PCPP_ALWAYS_FALSE__' or tok.value == '__PCPP_ALWAYS_TRUE__']) > 0
            if not self.bypass_ifpassthru and (directive.value == 'define' or directive.value == 'undef'):
                if toks[0].value != self.potential_include_guard:
                    raise OutputDirective(Action.IgnoreAndPassThrough)  # Don't execute anything with effects when inside an #if expr with undefined macro
        if (directive.value == 'define' or directive.value == 'undef') and self.args.nevers:
            if toks[0].value in self.args.nevers:
                raise OutputDirective(Action.IgnoreAndPassThrough)
        if self.args.passthru_defines:
            super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_directive_handle(directive,toks,ifpassthru,precedingtoks)
            return None  # Pass through where possible
        return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_directive_handle(directive,toks,ifpassthru,precedingtoks)

    def on_directive_unknown(self,directive,toks,ifpassthru,precedingtoks):
        if ifpassthru:
            return None  # Pass through
        return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_directive_unknown(directive,toks,ifpassthru,precedingtoks)

    def on_potential_include_guard(self,macro):
        self.potential_include_guard = macro
        return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_potential_include_guard(macro)

    def on_comment(self,tok):
        if self.args.passthru_comments:
            return True  # Pass through
        return super(CmdPreprocessor, self).on_comment(tok)

def main():
    p = CmdPreprocessor(sys.argv)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = CmdPreprocessor(sys.argv)